Bitcoin omrežje se pripravlja na nov skok težav, saj Hashrate ostaja močan in rudarji dobiček sredi skoka cen

Po zadnjih dveh težavah se v omrežju Bitcoin poveča, marca naj bi prišlo do novega povečanja težavnosti 24, 2023. Statistični podatki kažejo, da Bitcoin’s hashrate je kljub zadnjima dvema prilagoditvama ostal visok, and block times have been

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Reaches All-Time High as Miners Face Second-Largest Increase This Year

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached an all-time high (ATH) on Feb. 24, 2023, v višini bloka #778,176, doseganje 43.05 trillion hashes and surpassing the 40 trillion mark for the first time ever. The networks difficulty increased by 9.95%, which is the second-largest

Data Shows a Myriad of Crypto Networks Are More Profitable to Mine Than Bitcoin

As the end of the year approaches, digital currency values have risen a great deal in 2021 and crypto asset miners have been profiting as a result. Po statistiki, the most profitable coin to mine at the end of November