Metaverse je naslednja velika naložbena tema, Po mnenju Morgan Stanley

Investment bank Morgan Stanley has stated the metaverse is now the next big investment theme, in a note directed to investors Thursday. Strategists from the bank believe this alternate conception of reality is amassing important interest from companies like Meta (formerly

Glede na študijo večina razvijalcev iger začenja vključevati blockchain v svoje igre

Most game developers in U.S. and U.K. are now using blockchain elements in their games, according to a study released this week. The study, commissioned by a company named Stratis, reveals that the popularity of blockchain, NFT-ji, and the new play-to-earn

Uporabniki tržnice Rarible lahko zdaj ustvarjajo, Seznam, in zbirateljski predmeti NFT na podlagi trgovinskega toka

On November 10, nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) marketplace and the Rarible protocol announced an integration with the Flow blockchain. The announcement details that Rarible users can now create, list, and trade Flow-based NFTs on the marketplace. Rarible Partners With Flow

Igralni velikan Ubisoft omenja Blockchain v nedavnem poročilu o zaslužku

Ubisoft, one of the biggest gaming companies in the entertainment world, mentioned blockchain as one of the key points of focus for the future of the brand. The company said it is exploring blockchain as an innovative technology to be included

Enjinstarter napoveduje uspešen zaključek zbiranja sredstev in pripravo projektov za november

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Singapore-based Enjinstarter (EJS) je zaključil svojo vajo ustvarjanja žetonov (TGE), skupni dvig $500,000 s skupnim prizadevanjem za zbiranje sredstev 4 launchpads namely Genesis Shards, Chainboost, and Enjinstarter’lastna lansirna plošča. Sledilo je zelo uspešno, oversubscribed private

$100 v Free Bitcoin: Ekipa NBA Dallas Mavericks in Voyager sta začela partnerstvo z bonusom BTC

Ekipa NBA Dallas Mavericks je sklenila partnerstvo s kripto platformo Voyager in svojim oboževalcem ponuja $100 bonus v bitcoinih za prijavo in trgovanje s kripto na partnerski platformi. “mi’re going to come up with new ways to introduce

Projekt NFT Magazine načrtuje izpustitev periodike v obliki NFT na Ethereum

On November 2, a non-fungible token (NFT) magazine is coming to the Ethereum blockchain calledThe NFT Magazine” — a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations in the form of an NFT. The project, promoted by Advtech IT Solutions, has partnered

Nigerijska agencija zavrnila prijavo za zagon verige blokov – pravi, da vlada ne priznava tehnologije

Nigerias company registration agency, the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), reportedly rejected an application for registration by a start-up on the basis that blockchain is yet to be recognized by the Nigerian government. Decision Disappoints Blockchain Community According to a report, the…

Revolve Games dodaja nove razsežnosti igranju blokovnih iger Play-to-Earn

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Playing games has taken another dimension entirely through a new play-to-earn model that makes earning generating crypto revenue easier than ever. Revolve Games is revolutionizing the way DeFi staking is integrated with blockchain gaming by debuting a Metaverse where