No Tax Amnesty for Russian Crypto Miners as Lawmakers Withdraw Proposal

A new draft law has replaced an earlier bill introducing a one-year tax and customs amnesty for cryptocurrency miners in Russia. The initial proposal has been withdrawn on the grounds that the tax break would have resulted in losses for the

Ugotovitve raziskave ECB 10% gospodinjstev v evroobmočju imajo v lasti kripto sredstva

One in every 10 households in six eurozone countries has acquired cryptocurrencies, the European Central Bank (ECB) has found with a new survey. While the richest are most likely to own crypto assets, poor families are not far behind, the poll

Draft Law About NFTs Submitted to Russian Parliament

Lawmakers have filed a bill with the State Duma aimed at introducing the term NFTs to Russian legislation. The authors of the draft say the rights of those who own non-fungible tokens need to be protected as Russians are currently dealing

Ciper pripravlja osnutke kripto pravil, Lahko jih uvede pred predpisi EU

Cyprus has prepared its own legislation to regulate crypto assets and is likely to adopt it before Europe finalizes a common regulatory framework, a government official has indicated. The authorities in Nicosia welcome thecarefuluse of cryptocurrencies, je dodal. Vlada…

Proposed Crypto Mining Ban in Norway Fails to Gain Support in Parliament

A push to prohibit the energy-intensive proof-of-work mining of cryptocurrencies in Norway has been rejected by the majority of lawmakers. The ban had been suggested by the far-left Red Party which also didnt win backing to raise an electricity tax for

Ruska protimonopolna agencija predlaga višje cene električne energije za domače kripto rudarje

The anti-monopoly service of Russia has suggested that Russians minting digital currencies at their homes should pay more for the spent electrical energy. The proposal comes after the submission of a bill tailored to regulate cryptocurrency mining to the Russian parliament….

Crypto Industry Lobbies Against Bills Targeting Russian Oligarchs Evading Sanctions Using Cryptocurrency

The crypto industry is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against two bills aimed at preventing Russian oligarchs from using cryptocurrency to avoid sanctions. ZDA. and many other countries placed sanctions on them after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Bills Preventing Wealthy

Uzbekistanski predsednik je izdal odlok o urejanju kriptovalut, Rudarstvo in trgovanje

Uzbekistanska vlada se je odločila za razširitev svojih kripto predpisov z odlokom, ki ga je podpisal predsednik Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Dokument podaja definicije izrazov, kot so kripto sredstva, izmenjava, in rudarstvo, in določa glavni regulatorni organ za industrijo. Agency

Srednjeafriška republika je sprejela bitcoin kot referenčno valuto – urad predsedstva

Po zmedi, ki je obkrožala prva poročila, višji uslužbenec v Srednjeafriški republiki (AVTOMOBIL)’Predsedstvo je zdaj potrdilo, da bo bitcoin postal država’referenčna valuta. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

Republic of Ireland to Prohibit Political Cryptocurrency Donations

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nations elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West