Švedska potrebuje moč za bolj uporabne stvari kot rudarjenje bitcoinov, Minister za energijo pravi

Concerned about projected increase in electricity demand, the government in Sweden may turn its back on crypto mining, država’s energy minister has indicated. Swedish bitcoin minting industry, a leader in Europe, is likely to soon lose the preferential treatment it

Število razbitih nezakonitih farm za rudarjenje kripto v Iranu se približuje 7,000

Authorities in Iran have shut down close to 7,000 unauthorized facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past two years, local media revealed. According to a report, most of the illegal bitcoin farms were concentrated in five provinces of the Islamic Republic,…

Ruska protimonopolna agencija predlaga višje cene električne energije za domače kripto rudarje

The anti-monopoly service of Russia has suggested that Russians minting digital currencies at their homes should pay more for the spent electrical energy. The proposal comes after the submission of a bill tailored to regulate cryptocurrency mining to the Russian parliament….