Brazilski predsednik Lula bo deloval kot povezovalec BRICS za pomoč Argentini, Razpravlja o kreditni liniji v brazilskih realih

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated Brazil will serve as a facilitator to try and arrange BRICS bloc assistance for Argentina. Lula stated that the New Development Bank — the BRICS bank — could modify some of its rules

Chatgpt 'Je nova kripto,« Meta pravi, da akterji zlonamerne programske opreme izkoriščajo norost AI

Vse več ustvarjalcev zlonamerne programske opreme zdaj izkorišča veliko zanimanje za Chatgpt za privabljanje žrtev, Lastnica Facebooka Meta je opazila. Po besedah ​​vodje informacijske varnosti, the AI-based chatbot is “the new crypto” for bad actors

Ameriška bančna industrija v nemiru: Celovit pogled na "veliko konsolidacijo" in največje bančne propade 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Banking With Digital Assets

Another one bites the dust! The banking industry in the United States is in trouble, and regional banks are feeling the squeeze. A number of banks have failed recently due to mismanagement, poor risk management, and other factors which are leading

Economist Peter Schiff Warns of Stagflation in US Economy — Says ‘It’s Going to Get Worse’

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. economy is facing stagflation and the situation is going to get worse. “Not only is the economy weakening, but inflation is strengthening,” he stressed, emphasizing: “You have the worst of both worlds.” ZDA….

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Zadetki omrežja Bitcoin 75% Napredek pri naslednji razpolovitvi nagrade

pri 11:06 zjutraj. vzhodni čas (ET) aprila 29, 2023, v višini bloka 787,500, število blokov, ki jih je še treba odkriti do naslednje prepolovitve verige blokov Bitcoin, je zdaj manjše od 52,500 bloki. To pomeni, da je omrežje napredovalo 75% through

Ethereum Price to Peak at $2,758 This Year, Then Fall to $2,342 by 2023’s End, Finder Experts Say

A recent survey made public by the online comparison platform has revealed the predictions of 32 professionals in the fields of fintech and cryptocurrency. The specialists have expressed their conviction that ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market capitalization,…

BRICS Currency Will Erode US Dollar’s Dominance, Former White House Economist Warns

Former White House economist Joseph Sullivan has warned that a BRICS currency would erode the U.S. dollar’s dominance. If member nations use only a common BRICS currency for international trade, “they would remove an impediment that now thwarts their efforts to