While Miners Deal With Low BTC Prices, Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Target Expected to Increase 3% višje

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty target is expected to increase on Dec. 19, 2022, after printing the largest reduction recorded in 2022 on Dec. 5, v višini bloka 766,080. Med zadnjim 2,016 bloki, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been around 254.3 exahash na sekundo…

Diapozitivi za težavnost Bitcoina 7.32%, Zmanjšanje pomeni največji padec 2022

dne dec. 5, 2022, v višini bloka 766,080, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty adjustment dropped 7.32% nižje, making it the largest difficulty reduction in 2022. The current difficulty is approximately 34.24 trillion and it will remain at this point for the next two

Nihajoča cena USDT spodbuja špekulacije, povezane z rezervami Alameda, Tether zamrzne 46 Milijon žetonov

Ob četrtkovih tržnih nihanjih, podatki kažejo, da je stablecoin tether začasno dosegel najnižjo vrednost $0.961 na enoto. Tether’Tržna nihanja so vplivala na decentralizirane finance (defi) krivulja protokola’s 3 bazenom, ker je v četrtek zjutraj sklad stablecoin postal neuravnotežen. Nadalje,…

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Stronger Than Ever in the Face of Crypto Winter Prices and Sky High Difficulty

Despite the fact that bitcoin miners are getting bare minimums in profits per petahash per second (PH/s), and the myriad of headlines showing specific mining operations folding from the crypto winter, omrežje’s total hashrate continues to chug along at close

Bitcoin Network’s Mining Difficulty Drops for the First Time in 2 meseci

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, omrežje’s difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 dnevi, sliding 2.14% v višini bloka 756,000 v torek. The change means it’s trenutno 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the

30% današnjega Staked Ethereuma je vezan na Lido's Liquid Staking, 8 ETH 2.0 Ukaz bazenov $8.1 Milijarde v vrednosti

In roughly three days Ethereum is expected to transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) version via The Merge. Ahead of the transition, the liquid staking project Lido has seen a lot more activity as the value

Prihaja novo omrežje Terra s podporo večjih borz, Imetniki LUNA in UST, ki so upravičeni do žetonov, ki jih je mogoče vrniti

According to a recent announcement from the Terra blockchain team, the community voted and passed a proposal that plans to launch a new genesis version of the Terra blockchain without an algorithmic stablecoin. The governance proposal calledTerra Ecosystem Revival Plan

As Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Elevated, BTC’s Mining Difficulty Expected to Reach a Lifetime High

During the last month, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been coasting along above the 200 exahash na sekundo (EH/s) zone, minus a number of drops here and there above and below that range. Following two difficulty changes that saw the difficulty decrease by

French Connection Finance: FCF Pay Partners With 500+ E-Commerce and in-Store Merchants

French Connection Finance (FCF) is a dividend generating cryptocurrency that runs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) omrežje. FCF is building an ecosystem that benefits investors whilst developing products that have strong real-world value. This story will cover four exciting aspects

Zmogljivost Bitcoina ostaja visoka, Gor 163% v 5 meseci, Foundry USA vodi vrh rudarskega bazena

The hashpower behind the Bitcoin network has continued to stay above the 180 exahash na sekundo (EH/s) zone after recently reaching a lifetime high. Five months ago the hashrate tapped a low at 69 EH/s and since then, the hashpower has