Prihaja novo omrežje Terra s podporo večjih borz, Imetniki LUNA in UST, ki so upravičeni do žetonov, ki jih je mogoče vrniti

According to a recent announcement from the Terra blockchain team, the community voted and passed a proposal that plans to launch a new genesis version of the Terra blockchain without an algorithmic stablecoin. The governance proposal called “Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2” has been amended and the final release of the new Terra Core codebase has been released to prepare for the new network.


Terra Ecosystem Rebirth to Happen on May 27, Latest Version of Terra Core Has Been Released and Audited

maja 27, a new blockchain will launch that’s based on the Terra blockchain network but does not include an algorithmic stablecoin like terrausd (UST). The old chain token will be called “Luna Classic (stran)” and the new token will take the old name “Luna (LUNA).” The Terra team napovedal the May 27 launch and explained that the governance proposal passed on May 25. Glede na ekipo, the latest Terra Core code has been released and the codebase was audited by SCV Security.

The governance decision further details the new LUNA token distribution which includes 30% for the community pool, 35% for pre-attack LUNA holders, 10% for pre-attack aUST holders, post-attack LUNA holders will get 10% and post-attack UST holders are eligible for 15% of the supply. Dodatno, the Terra team mentioned that the Terraform Labs wallet, Luna Foundation Guard’s wallet, and the community pool distribution module account will be removed from the LUNA airdrop.

The Terra team’s Twitter thread adds:

The removal of these wallets from the airdrop whitelist will make Terra a fully community-owned chain. We believe this is an important step to empowering our ecosystem.

Controversy, a Class-Action Lawsuit, and Mirror Protocol Accusations

There’s been a lot of polemika surrounding the Terra blockchain network and the face of the project Do Kwon. Pred kratkim, a LUNA investor who lost $2.4 million was arrested for visiting Kwon’s home and knocking on his door. Then there’s a Twitter account called “@fatmanterra (Debel človek)” that has said a class action lawsuit is being planned in order to get compensation for the class of LUNA and UST victims.

Fatman said the action will be free to join and the team is researching jurisdictions like Singapore where investment protection is laxer. Debel človek rekel:

I am happy to announce that three law firms have offered to commit over $15m (maybe more) to this historic fight for justice – they are looking to fund the case and will collect fees on a contingency basis. This could never have happened without all of you.

But that’s not all Fatman has been doing, as the Twitter account has published accusations about specific Terra-based projects and partners. In one specific thread written by Fatman, the social media account says Terra’s Mirror Protocol, a decentralized and synthetic stock exchange, was “really just a farce designed to enrich Do Kwon/VCs.” The Twitter thread discusses how Mirror Protocol’s governance system was allegedly rigged.

Centralized Exchange Platform’s Binance, Bybit, and Huobi Plan to Support New LUNA Token

The Terra team doesn’t seem to be bothered by the controversy surrounding the project and the litany of accusations on social media. Poleg tega, many rumors have been flying around social media concerning Kwon’s and the Terra development team’s decisions. Kwon has been responding do question po question about the new Terra chain, eligibility, and the airdropped LUNA tokens.

The Terra team details that it is working closely with centralized exchange partners like Bybit and Binance in order to support LUNA holders who left funds on exchanges. Huobi Global revealed it would podporo the new LUNA chain. Binance tweeted about the rebirth of the new Terra network as well.

“The Terra community just passed a vote to ‘Rebirth Terra Network,’” Binance rekel. “We are working closely with the Terra team on the recovery plan, aiming to provide impacted users on Binance with the best possible treatment. Stay tuned for further updates.”

Oznake v tej zgodbi
Obtožbe, Airdrop, airdropped LUNA, airdropped tokens, Algorithmic stablecoin, Binance, Bybit, Codebase, polemika, do kwon, eligible, Debel človek, Fatman Terra, Huobi, Vlagatelji, LUNA, new LUNA chain, rigged, SCV Security, Stabilni kovanci, terra (LUNA), Terra Blockchain, Terra Core, Terra Core code, Terra’s Mirror Protocol, UST

What do you think about the new Terra blockchain project? What do you think about the controversy surrounding the Terra ecosystem? Sporočite nam, kaj mislite o tej temi v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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