Tedenska prodaja NFT še naprej pada, Podatki Google Trends kažejo upad poizvedb NFT 45% v 30 Dnevi

Po bledem tednu, v katerem smo videli nezamenljive žetone (NFT) prodaja zdrsne 29.35% prejšnji teden, v zadnjih sedmih dneh je prodaja NFT dodatno upadla in izgubila več kot 7%. Izven 12 različne verige blokov, ki podpirajo NFT, Solana je bil edini dobiček, v…

Electricity Consumption Spikes in Irkutsk as More Russians Start Mining Cryptocurrency

Electricity suppliers in the Russian region of Irkutsk have registered a surge in power consumption in residential areas which they are blaming on cryptocurrency mining. Planes with mining equipment from restricted China continue to land in the region, and cases of

78 Dnevi: Merjenje razširjenega padca kripto trga v primerjavi s prejšnjimi medvedjimi trgi

The crypto economy has shed enormous value over the last three months and the leading crypto asset bitcoin is down more than 46% since its all-time high (ATH) pri $69,044 na enoto. The same can be said for a great number

Tehnična analiza: Cosmos Climbs Higher, While Solana’s Fall Continues

After trading lower for the majority of Monday’s sejo, cryptocurrency prices were slowly starting to find support, with a few markets rallying, as we headed toward the end of the day. Cosmos One such crypto was cosmos (ATOM), which was the

Bitcoin Dominance Increases, ETH’s Market Share Slides, Stablecoin and Smart Contract Coins Rise

V sredo, the crypto economy of 12,620 coins across 543 exchanges is hovering just above the $2 bilijon znamk. Ever since the crypto economys market slump, bitcoin’s market dominance among all the coins in existence has slowly risen from 37% zone

Cena Cardano naraste po zagonu projekta Metaverse, ADA pridobi več kot 30% v 7 Dnevi

The smart contract token cardano has surged in value during the last 24 hours after a metaverse project called Pavia launched. Seven-day statistics indicate that cardanos price has spiked 30.9% over the week and took over the fifth-largest crypto market cap

Bitcoin pade pod 44 tisoč dolarjev, Kripto gospodarstvo upada 4.5%, Trgovci hitijo po stabilnih kovancih

The price of bitcoin dropped below the $44K zone on Wednesday to $43,678 per unit as the entire crypto-economy has shed billions in value. V času pisanja, the overall crypto economy is down 4.5% as it dipped to $2.25

Russian Government Allows Regions to Raise Electricity Rates for Crypto Miners

The federal government in Moscow has permitted regions to determine local electricity tariffs for the population, a measure that will affect crypto mining at homes. Subsidized household electricity in Russia is often used to mint digital currencies in basements and garages….

Kriptogospodarstvo lebdi pod 3 bilijoni dolarjev: Analitik pravi, da bi bil prvi medvedji marker 'padec kapitalizacije pod 2,38 tisoč dolarjev'

The crypto asset economy has been down in value over the last week as a great number of digital currencies shed significant amounts. The entire crypto-economy is down under the $3 bilijon znamk, hovering around $2.7 trillion across 10,970 kriptovalute. Bitcoin…

Kripto trgi so čez noč izgubili milijarde – analitik pravi, da je "normalen padec" in "struktura bikovskega trga še vedno nedotaknjena"

Cryptocurrency markets have dropped significantly in value during the last 24 hours as the entire market capitalization of all 10,000 crypto assets in existence has dropped below the $3 trillion mark to $2.77 trillion on Tuesday morning (EST). After tapping $66K