Število razbitih nezakonitih farm za rudarjenje kripto v Iranu se približuje 7,000

Authorities in Iran have shut down close to 7,000 unauthorized facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past two years, local media revealed. According to a report, most of the illegal bitcoin farms were concentrated in five provinces of the Islamic Republic,…

Ameriško poročilo o finančni nezvestobi: 2 izven 5 Anketiranci so svoje kripto nakupe skrivali

Nedavna raziskava je pokazala, da sta dva od petih Američanov v zavezanih razmerjih priznala, da sta pred partnerjem skrivala nakup kriptovalute. Partnerja kriptovaluta menita, da bi razkritje nakupa poškodovalo njun odnos. Razlogi za nerazkritje nakupov…

Proposed Crypto Mining Ban in Norway Fails to Gain Support in Parliament

A push to prohibit the energy-intensive proof-of-work mining of cryptocurrencies in Norway has been rejected by the majority of lawmakers. The ban had been suggested by the far-left Red Party which also didnt win backing to raise an electricity tax for

Russian Crypto Mining Giant Bitriver Considers Challenging US Sanctions

Rusija’s Bitriver, one of the largest operators of crypto mining data centers, may take legal action against the U.S. over the decision to place it under sanctions. The company insists it does not help the Russian government to circumvent international restrictions….

"Dr. Doom' Nouriel Roubini bo lansiral zamenjavo tokeniziranega dolarja - s funkcijami plačila in ESG

Economist Nouriel Roubini, a crypto skeptic known as “dr. Doom,” is developing a tokenized asset intended to be a more resilient U.S. dolar. “Our goal is to create a global store of valueThis is something akin to a substitute

Mexican Crypto Exchange Bitso Launches Stable Yield Program

Ime, a Mexico-based cryptocurrency exchange, is expanding its range of crypto investing options. The company has announced it will now allow customers to earn funds just by holding bitcoin or stablecoins in its wallet. The program, called Bitso+, will offer different

Združeno kraljestvo predstavlja načrte za podporo sprejetju kripto, Ustvarite več pooblastil za zaseg in povrnitev digitalnih sredstev

Delivering the Queens Speech, Prince Charles outlines the British governments plans to support the safe adoption of cryptocurrencies and createpowers to more quickly and easily seize and recover crypto assets.UK Government Plans to Support Crypto Adoption The U.K. vlada…

BIS: 9 izven 10 Centralne banke po vsem svetu raziskujejo digitalne valute – poganja jih kripto trg

Nine out of 10 central banks globally are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDC), according to the latest survey by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). Nadalje, “the emergence of stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies have accelerated the work on CBDCs.” BIS…

Venezuela Bets on De-Dollarization After Foreign Currency and Crypto Tax Is Applied

The government of Venezuela is now focusing its action on trying to establish the bolivar as the go-to currency for purchases in the country. According to several economists, this might be a risky bet in a country that has just exited

Ministrstvo za finance ZDA sankcionira prvi kripto mešalnik

ZDA. Department of the Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) je izdal svoje prve sankcije za kripto mešalnik. Storitev mešanja je skupina Lazarus Group uporabljala za obdelavo nezakonite premoženjske koristi $620 million crypto heist of the