Unbanked and Mastercard Team Up to Accelerate Crypto Card Adoption Within Web3 Organizations in Europe

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Today it was announced that Unbanked, the leading provider of white-label crypto card issuance and program management service for Web3 companies has partnered with Mastercard, to accelerate DeFi card issuance in Europe. Mastercard and Unbanked have already established a

Coin Center Sues US Treasury Over Tornado Cash Ban — Lawsuit Says Government’s Action ‘Was Unlawful’

The non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing cryptocurrencies, Coin Center, has filed a lawsuit against the Treasury department, the secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) director Andrea Gacki. Coin Centers court filing

Linux Launches Foundation to Bolster Open-Source, Multi-Purpose Crypto Wallets

V torek, the non-profit technology consortium, the Linux Foundation, announced the launch of the Openwallet Foundation (OWF) in order to bolster the development of open-source crypto wallets. OWFs goal is to increaseinteroperability for a wide range of wallet use cases”…

Ripple za sodelovanje v programu CBDC Sandbox projekta Digital Dollar

The non-profit organization promoting the creation of the digital dollar, the Digital Dollar Project, has announced the launch of a sandbox program to kickstart the probe of the technical implementations of the envisaged digital currency. The fintech firm Ripple is among

Coin Center pravi, da OFAC-ova prepoved Tornado Cash 'presega zakonska pooblastila,' Načrtuje 'sodelovanje' z ameriškim čuvajem

On August 15, the non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing crypto assets, Coin Center, published a blog post that says the organization is looking at the legality of the recent Tornado Cash sanctions enforced by the U.S. Ministrstvo za finance’s pisarno…

Fundacija Tezos ustanovi sklad za zbiranje kreacij NFT afriških in azijskih umetnikov

Fundacija Tezos je nedavno izjavila, da se je zavezala $1.23 milijonov v sklad, ki bo uporabljen za zbiranje nezamenljivih žetonov (NFT-ji) ustvarili afriški in azijski umetniki. Fotograf Misan Harriman je bil izbran za kuratorja fundacije’je trajno…

Fundacija Luna kupi še enega $5 Milijon v bitcoinih, Držala denarnice LFG 42,530 BTC

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) purchased an additional 123.89 bitcoin on Friday worth close to $5 million at the time of settlement. Since mid-March, Terra’s LFG has been acquiring bitcoin on a regular basis and after the purchase on Friday morning,…

Binance postane prvi v industriji blokovnih verig in kriptovalut, ki se je pridružil nacionalnemu zavezništvu za kibernetsko forenziko in usposabljanje (NCFTA)

Binance, the worlds leading blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, today announced that it has joined the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), a nonprofit corporation focused on identifying, validating, mitigating, and neutralizing cybercrime threats. Binance is the first organization from the

Walmart preiskuje, kako je bilo objavljeno lažno sporočilo za javnost o njegovem partnerstvu z Litecoinom

Following the fake news of its partnership with Litecoin, Walmart Inc. says it is looking into how the fraudulent press release was issued. The Litecoin Foundation and Charlie Lee are also investigating the matter. Poleg tega, Globenewswire says it will also