Fundacija Tezos ustanovi sklad za zbiranje kreacij NFT afriških in azijskih umetnikov

Fundacija Tezos je nedavno izjavila, da se je zavezala $1.23 milijonov v sklad, ki bo uporabljen za zbiranje nezamenljivih žetonov (NFT-ji) ustvarili afriški in azijski umetniki. Photographer Misan Harriman has been selected as the curator of the foundation’s permanent art collection.


Supporting a New Generation of Artists

The Swiss non-profit organization, Tezos Foundation, recently said it has committed about $1.23 milijonov (£1 million) to a fund, which will be used to collect non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji) of upcoming artists from Africa and Asia. The artists’ works will be curated by Misan Harriman, a renowned photographer and one of the pioneers in the making and collection of NFTs.

As per The Art newspaper poročilo, Harriman — the chair of London’s complex of artistic venues, Southbank Center — will also focus on acquiring the works of artists from regions with less representation in the NFT community.

Commenting on his role as the curator of Tezos Foundation’s so-called permanent art collection, Harriman said:

As the first curator of this collection, I want to make sure the world sees the diverse voices that are making truly extraordinary work[s] with art. The Tezos Foundation Permanent Collection will support and celebrate a new generation of artists that have chosen a smart contract-enabled path to be their true selves.

Breaking Barriers in the Art World

While critics of NFTs have voiced concerns over the volatility of cryptocurrencies, proponents of the underlying blockchain technology insist NFTs will break down long-standing barriers in the art world. According to Tezos Foundation, itself an arm of the Tezos Blockchain, whilst hurdles still remain they cannot stop the growing use of NFTs.

medtem, in a recently released izjava, Arthur Breitman, a co-founder and early architect of Tezos, spoke of how the collection raises awareness for Web3 artists. Je dodal: “This project, in collaboration with Misan Harriman’s talent and expertise, allows us to create a bespoke destination with the sole purpose of elevating digital artists who turn to Tezos for a sustainable way of sharing their work with the world.”

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Terence Zimwara

Terence Zimwara je zimbabvejski nagrajeni novinar, avtor in pisatelj. Obširno je pisal o gospodarskih težavah nekaterih afriških držav in o tem, kako lahko digitalne valute Afričanom zagotovijo izhod v sili.

Zasluge za slike: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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