Poročilo IMF o prevzemu bitcoina v Salvadorju: Preprečena tveganja, vendar je potrebna preglednost

Glede na nedavno izjavo o misiji, ki jo je objavil Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF), Salvador je sprejel bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo in se je doslej izogibal tveganjem. The IMF states that the risks have not materialized due to the limited use

Jim Cramer Says Avoid Crypto, Stick With Gold for ‘Real Hedge’ Against Inflation and Economic Chaos

The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has advised investors to avoid crypto and stick with gold if theyseriously want a real hedge against inflation or economic chaos.He added that bitcoin is too volatile to use as a currency….

Zvestoba: 74% of Institutional Investors Surveyed Plan to Invest in Digital Assets

A new study by Fidelity Digital Assets, a subsidiary of financial giant Fidelity Investments, shows that 58% of institutional investors surveyed invested in digital assets in the first half of this year and 74% plan to invest in the future. Zvestoba’s…

Fidelity razpravlja o bitcoinu kot zavarovanju portfelja – kmalu bi lahko bil v "ostrem kontrastu" s potjo, po kateri gredo fiat valute

Digitalna sredstva Fidelity, hčerinska družba Fidelity Investments, pravi, da bi lahko bitcoin veljal za zavarovanje portfelja. The firm notes that the cryptocurrencymay soon stand in stark contrast to the path that the rest of the world and fiat currencies may

Singapur zahteva podrobne informacije od kripto podjetij pred novimi predpisi, Razkritja poročila

Financial authorities in Singapore are taking steps toward increased oversight in the crypto space with the city-states central bank reportedly asking companies to provide additional information about their activities and assets. Ahead of a possible broadening of the applicable rules, the…

Cenzorji Uniswap 253 Kripto naslovi na črni listi zaradi kriminala, Združenja za sankcije

According to a recently published report, decentralizirana borza (dex) Uniswap has blocked roughly 253 cryptocurrency addresses allegedly tied to crimes or government sanctions. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from

Vrednost zaklenjena v Defi Swells by $7 milijarde, Tronove TVL konice 34.85%, Ethereum prevladuje z 62%

After tapping a 2022 low of $70 billion on June 19, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) has increased by more than $7 milijarde. V zadnjih sedmih dneh, the TVL in defi held within the Ethereum blockchain

Blockfi CEO Says FTX Has an ‘Option to Acquire’ Crypto Lender at a Price of up to $240M

According to Blockfis co-founder Zac Prince, the company has signed definitive agreements with the crypto firm FTX and the deal is currently up to shareholder approval. The deal represents a total of $680 milijonov, but Prince also noted that $240 milijonov…

Global Central Bank Gold Holdings se je povečal na 36,000 Tone noter 2021, Povečanje, pripisano padcu dolarja

Skupna količina zlata, ki ga imajo centralne banke v rezervah, je dosegla vrh 36,000 tone prvič po 1990, so pokazali podatki Svetovnega sveta za zlato. To povečanje sledi rasti v bankah’ poročali o lastništvu sredstva za 4.500…