Kripto izmenjave omogočajo Rusom, da se izognejo sankcijam, Poročilo trdi

Večje kripto borze niso preprečile sankcioniranim ruskim bankam in trgovcem transakcije, glede na poročilo forenzike blockchain. Vsaj dve uveljavljeni platformi za trgovanje s kovanci Rusom še naprej dovoljujeta uporabo svojih bančnih kartic v poslih enakovrednih, the analysis

Tether izdajatelja stablecoina ne bo zamrznil naslovov Tornado Cash, Pravi, da bi prezgodnja zamrznitev lahko ogrozila preiskave

While the crypto community is still talking about the U.S. government banning the ethereum mixing platform Tornado Cash, the stablecoin issuer Tether Holdings Limited revealed on Wednesday that the company would notfreeze Tornado Cash addresses.” Tether’s recently published blog post

Soglasje Ethereum Pivot to Proof-of-Stake uporabnike skrbi glede možnosti cenzure na ravni protokola

The upcoming consensus change that Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is planning to execute in September has worried many users about the possibility of censorship happening at a protocol level. This means that, even by interacting directly with

Cenzorji Uniswap 253 Kripto naslovi na črni listi zaradi kriminala, Združenja za sankcije

According to a recently published report, decentralizirana borza (dex) Uniswap has blocked roughly 253 cryptocurrency addresses allegedly tied to crimes or government sanctions. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from

OFAC-ova prepoved Tornado Cash povzroči začasno ukinitev Githuba in črno listo kripto naslovov, ki hranijo 437 milijonov $

On August 8, the ethereum mixing service Tornado Cash, and all the crypto addresses associated with the platform, were officially banned by the U.S. Ministrstvo za finance’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Following the ban, the internet hosting service for software

Russian Media Censor Roskomnadzor Blocks Major Crypto News Website, a leading news outlet in Russia’kripto prostor, has been blocked by Russias telecom and mass media watchdog, Roskomnadzor. The site is now inaccessible through most Russian internet providers, the online edition announced, stating it intends to contest the measure….

Russian Crypto Mining Giant Bitriver Considers Challenging US Sanctions

Rusija’s Bitriver, one of the largest operators of crypto mining data centers, may take legal action against the U.S. over the decision to place it under sanctions. The company insists it does not help the Russian government to circumvent international restrictions….

Nepal zapira kripto spletne strani, Aplikacije — opozarja na vključevanje v kripto dejavnosti

The Nepal Telecommunications Authority has issued a warning that crypto activities are illegal. The regulator emphasized that websites, apps, and online networks related to crypto activities are prohibited to be used, operated, or managed within the country. Nepalese Regulators Crypto Warning

ETH Mixer Tornado Cash razkriva blokiranje naslovov Ethereum, ki jih je odobril OFAC, prek Chainalysis Oracle Contract

Glede na projekt’uradni Twitter račun, Tornado Cash, storitev mešanja ethereuma, ki udeležencem omogoča mešanje etra, blokira označene naslove ethereum, navedene na Uradu za nadzor tujih sredstev’s (OFAC) Seznam posebej označenih državljanov in blokiranih oseb (SDN)….

Wasabi Wallet to Begin Censoring Coinjoin Transactions

Wasabi denarnica, a privacy-oriented bitcoin-only wallet, has announced it will start introducing censorship methods into its mixing procedures. The announcement was made on social media, where the official account of Wasabi explained that a blacklist will prevent some UTXOs (unspent transaction