Zbirke vrstnih napisov v verigi blokov Bitcoin rastejo, ko ustvarjalci monetizirajo umetnost

Z več kot 150,000 Vrstni napisi na verigi blokov Bitcoin, zdaj obstajajo številne zbirke, saj so ustvarjalci in umetniki našli nov način za monetizacijo svojih umetnin prek tehnologije blockchain. V preteklem mesecu, people have launched collections such as

Opensea Drops Fees to Zero and Announces New Creator Earnings Model in Response to Shifting NFT Landscape

The largest marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji), Odprto morje, has announced major changes to its fee structure and policies in response to a shift in the NFT ecosystem. The company detailed that it will drop fees to zero for a limited time

Game of Thrones NFTs Sell Out Quickly, But Draw Criticism for ‘Poorly Drawn’ Characters

The cryptocurrency community is discussing the newGame of Thrones” nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) assets that were launched on the NFT marketplace niftys.com. The “Build Your Realmcollection sold out on Jan. 10, the day it was released. Vendar, tam so bili…

Zdrs prodaje NFT tega tedna 5% Nižje kot prejšnji teden, Obračunana prodaja Ethereum NFT 76.8% zvezka

V ponedeljek, dec. 5, 2022, tržni podatki kažejo, da nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) prodaja padla 5.23% nižja od prodaje prejšnji teden kljub a 15.16% povečanje kupcev NFT. Izven $112.70 milijonov v obsegu prodaje NFT v zadnjem tednu, Temelji na Ethereumu…

Secondary Sales Volume Tied to Reddit’s Collectible NFT Avatars Surges Crossing $5 milijon

Reddit’s non-fungible token (NFT) avatars have produced significant market action in the NFT industry, as the collectible’s secondary market sales reached more than $5 million on October 24 across more than 20,000 prodaja. The demand for Reddit’s collectible NFT avatars minted

Skok prodaje NFT tega tedna 26% Višje kot prejšnji teden, Dolgočasena opica #6,588 Prodano za 1,17 milijona dolarjev

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja poskočila 26.76% višji ta teden, saj statistika prodaje NFT to kaže $180.43 milijon poslov NFT je bilo zabeleženih ta teden v primerjavi s prejšnjim tednom’s $142.33 milijonov. Medtem ko so NFT, ki temeljijo na Ethereumu, ujeli leva’delež obsega ta teden…

Veve sodeluje z Marvelom, da izda omejeno izdajo naslovnic NFT s Spider-Manom, Črni panter

On August 29, the digital collectibles company Veve announced that the platform has launched digital variant non-fungible token (NFT) covers from three Marvel comic book artists. Veve and Marvel detailed that the NFT drops called the Marvel Artworks collection will be

Crypto Downturn Floods Market With Rolex and Patek Watches, Trading Platform Says

The latest troubles in the crypto space have allegedly led to an increased supply of second-hand luxury watches, according to a leading trading platform. Kot rezultat, prices of sought-after models by major brands like Rolex and Patek have dropped, the…

Študija kaže, da Singapur vodi pri iskanju NFT po vsem svetu, Raziskovalci pravijo, da je Poljska najbolj proti NFT država

V zadnjih sedmih dneh, nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) prodaja je padla 23.37% in 30-dnevna statistika kaže, da je prodaja NFT upadla 63.10% od prejšnjega meseca. Medtem ko zanimanje za NFT upada, nedavna študija kaže, da svetovne regije, kot sta Singapur in…