Саудовская Аравия укрепляет связи с Китаем, присоединившись к блоку ШОС в качестве партнера по диалогу

China’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is growing as the country’s Cabinet has agreed to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The diplomatic move made by the kingdom began with a memorandum of understanding in September, and at the end of March,…

Французский адвокат просит российского патриарха помочь спасти Александра Винника от «политического процесса» в США

A member of the defense team of the alleged BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik has called on the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to intervene in support of his client. The Russian national may be sentenced to over 50 years in

Адвокат предполагаемого отмывателя криптовалюты Винник призывает Россию обсудить с США обмен заключенными

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his