
The co-founder of Twitch, Justin Kan launched a gaming-centric non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace called Fractal on December 30. Fractals focus is on NFTs with video game utility and the project launched an NFT collection calledFractals,” a 100,000 unique snowflakes that

2021のデジタルアセットシャッフル: 今年、無数の暗号時価総額のポジションが無秩序に移動しました

2021 暗号資産にとって強気の年でした. 物価が大幅に上昇しているのに, 時価総額上位10位、上位20位も大きく変動. 大量のコインがプッシュされました…

30 日中のNFTの売り上げは、パンクと類人猿で引き続き熱くなります, メタバース取引量スカイロケット

The number of recorded non-fungible token (NFT) sales during the last 30 days consisted of roughly 362,374 販売. During the past 30 日々, the leading NFT marketplace Opensea processed $2.39 十億, 上 22.88% since last month. Decentraland volume jumped 192% since

Defiにロックされた値はスライドし続ける, ETHDefiが支配する 65%, ソラナトランザクションが統治

The total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance has slid 15.63% since the metrics all-time high of $275 billion sixteen days ago on December 1. Since the end of the first week of December, TVL がダウンしています 7.19% lower with

ビットワイズCIOは10万ドルのビットコインを予測するのが難しいと言っています, イーサリアムを「年間最優秀資産」と呼ぶ

While theres been an awful lot of calls for bitcoin to reach six-digits in value in 2021, as the end of the year draws closer, それはしません’t seem like $100K per bitcoin will happen. Bitwise Asset Managements chief investment officer Matt

Defiスリップにロックされた値 5% の 24 時間, AMMおよびリベーストークンは2桁の損失を被ります

Since mid-November the total value locked (TVL) 分散型金融で (定義) has slid from $257 億から $250.55 billion and during the last 24 hours it lost a touch more than 5%. Over the last seven days, defi tokens like uniswap,…


11月 9, the two-time Grammy-nominated producer and DJ, スティーブ・アオキ, announced a new partnership with the popular comic book artist and Spawn creator Todd McFarlane. The two plan to launch a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace that leverages the Solana blockchain….


Crypto proponents and market observers can now gain insight into Solanas and Serums liquidity infrastructure ecosystem via the analytics and decentralized indexing provider The cross-blockchain computing project says the induction of Serum Markets willhelp surface valuable trading data on

ファインダーの専門家は、ソラナが超えることを期待しています $1,100 に 2025, 5,000ドル以上 2030

At the end of October, the product comparison website published new survey data about price predictions concerning the leading crypto asset ethereum. 11月 1, Finders researchers published price predictions for the ethereum competitor solana, as Finders panelists predict the

第3四半期のDappsの背後にある原動力となるゲームとNFT, Dappradarによると

Blockchain-based games and NFT trading were the driving force behind dapp adoption during Q3, according to defi insight platform Dappradar. In its Dapp Industry Report: Q3 2021 Overview, Dappradar states that the importance of these new activities in the crypto industry