FBI Warns About Cryptocurrency Theft Scams Using Play-to-Earn Games

The FBI has issued a public service announcement (PSA) warning on the utilization of play-to-earn games as part of a scheme to defraud users of funds stored in the form of cryptocurrency. Criminals are introducing victims to this kind of game

Axie Infinityの月間プレイヤー数が11月以来の低水準に減少 2020

After recording $4.26 billion in total non-fungible token (NFT) 販売, the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity’s monthly player count has dropped to levels not seen since November 2020, a period of 26 月. Despite the low player count, the project’s native token,…

ブロックチェーン ゲーム パブリッシャーと Web3 ファームの Animoca Brands が確保 $110 100万

Blockchain gaming publisher Animoca Brands announced the company has raised $110 million in a funding round led by Temasek, Boyu Capital, and GGV Capital. The company raised the funds by issuing convertible notes to a handful of institutional investors. アニモカブランド…

Cryptoys Raises $23 何百万ものNFTを混合する, ゲーム, と仮想おもちゃ

Cryptoys, an NFT-based startup, announced it has raised $23 million in a Series A funding round led by a16z. 会社, which seeks to mix NFTs with the world of gaming and virtual toys, will create what it calls acryptoyverse,”…

スクウェア・エニックスが閉店 $300 ウエスタンスタジオのバンクロールブロックチェーンピボットへのミリオンセール

スクウェアエニックス, the influential Japanese gaming and publishing company, has sold its Western studios and some of its Western intellectual properties (IPs) to Embracer Group. The deal, which values these properties at $300 100万, will allow the company to focus on

Ubisoft Executiveは、プレーヤーがメリットを理解していないためにNFTを拒否すると考えています

Nicolas Pouard, an executive at Ubisoft, one of the leading videogame companies in the entertainment world, has issued his take on the backlash from gamers regarding the inclusion of NFTs in traditional franchises. The VP at Ubisofts Strategic Innovations Lab stated

報告する: Ronin SidechainProcessed 560% 昨年11月のイーサリアムよりも多くの総取引

The blockchain-powered game Axie Infinity has been a very popular application during the last 12 月, as the games NFTs have outpaced every NFT collection today in terms of all-time sales. While Axie Infinity has seen $3.85 billion in all-time sales,…

Defi Kingdomsは、メタバースプッシュに加えて記録的なアクティビティレベルに到達します

デフィキングダムズ, メタバース ベースのブロックチェーン ゲーム, メタバース プロジェクトが現在市場で勢いを増しているため、活動が活発になっています。. Dappradarによると, ゲームのアクティビティが大幅に増加しました. This is also accompanied by

Play-to-Earnゲーミングギルドレイズ $18 AnimocaBrandsが主導する資金調達ラウンドで数百万

A play-to-earn (P2E) blockchain gaming guild has raised $18 million in a Series A financing round according to an announcement on Wednesday. Avocado Guild detailed that the firm raised the funds from investors such as Animoca Brands, Goldentree Asset Management, Three


Most game developers in U.S. and U.K. are now using blockchain elements in their games, according to a study released this week. The study, commissioned by a company named Stratis, reveals that the popularity of blockchain, NFT, and the new play-to-earn