
Ukraine is now trying to expose cryptocurrency wallets used by politicians in Moscow amid warnings that Russia may employ digital coins to circumvent sanctions. The initiative comes as western allies agree to expel some Russian banks from SWIFT, the global interbank


仮想通貨に優しいベラルーシは、投資ファンドがデジタル通貨にお金を入れることを許可する準備をしている. そうする提案は、そのような機関を国に引き付けるために調整された必要な法改正のパッケージの一部です. Finance Ministry


ロシアの暗号通貨取引所 Wex の元最高経営責任者, ドミトリー・ヴァシリエフ, 今月初めにワルシャワでの逮捕から解放されました. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

ロシアの裁判所は逮捕状を確認します 3 Finikoの創設者

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three

伝えられるところによるとポーランドで逮捕されたWexCryptoExchangeの元ヘッド, カザフスタンへの身柄引き渡しに直面

ドミトリー・ヴァシリエフ, former chief executive of Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, has been detained in Warsaw, the Polish press reported. Vasiliev is wanted in Kazakhstan where he is accused of fraud related to the now defunct trading platform, successor of the infamous