Redditの収集可能なNFTアバターに関連する二次販売量が急増 $5 100万

Reddit’s non-fungible token (NFT) avatars have produced significant market action in the NFT industry, as the collectible’s secondary market sales reached more than $5 million on October 24 across more than 20,000 販売. The demand for Reddit’s collectible NFT avatars minted

S&Pグローバルレポートによると、EUと英国は不況に陥っています, プーチンは西側が貪欲だと考えている

今日’s blustery global economy has everyone on edge as inflation has wreaked havoc on the wallets of ordinary people and energy prices continue to soar worldwide. According to Credit Suisse, “the worst is yet to come,” as the global investment bank’s…

ニコラス・マデューロは豊富な石油とガスで西を誘惑する, ベネズエラ大統領は制裁の解除を望んでいる

Amid the economic rumblings across the world and the energy crisis in Europe, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has said his country is ready to step up and help with oil. Despite the fact that Venezuela has the largest supply of crude

米国のインフレは予想よりも悪い可能性があります, ゴールドマンサックスは言う—アトランタ連邦大統領の好意 25 BPS利上げ

While the conflict in Ukraine is a hot topic, fears of rising inflation continue to haunt Americans residing in the country, as economists and analysts note U.S. inflation will likely remain high. Inflation is likely going to be worse than initially