Les partisans du Bitcoin critiquent le lauréat du prix Nobel Paul Krugman après un problème de paiement Venmo

Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman complained on Twitter Wednesday that he was experiencing issues with the centralized payment processor Venmo. His tweet was followed by a barrage of bitcoin supporters who insisted that Krugman was now realizing the importance of censorship-resistant

Un fonds d'investissement axé sur le minage de cryptomonnaies sera créé en Russie

The establishment of Russia’s first mutual investment fund dedicated to financing cryptocurrency mining operations is underway. According to a report by the Russian press, it will be available to qualified investors and will finance the acquisition of coin minting equipment. Russian

Professeur « Dr » de NYU. Doom' dit 99% de la crypto est une arnaque – dit aux investisseurs de « rester absolument à l’écart »

NYU Professor Nouriel Roubini, aka Dr. Doom, has warned that “99.99% of crypto is a scam, a criminal activity, a total real-bubble Ponzi scheme that is going bust.He advised investors toabsolutely stay awayfrom crypto, claiming that most people

Game of Thrones NFTs Sell Out Quickly, But Draw Criticism for ‘Poorly Drawn’ Characters

The cryptocurrency community is discussing the newGame of Thrones” jeton non fongible (TVN) assets that were launched on the NFT marketplace niftys.com. le “Build Your Realmcollection sold out on Jan. 10, the day it was released. toutefois, there have been

Les prix en dollars ont presque augmenté 54% au Venezuela pendant 2022

Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign currency. According to data collected by Ecoanalitica, a market research firm, prices marked in dollars have grown close to 54% during 2022, affecting the income and savings of Venezuelans

Le co-fondateur de FTX fait face à un juge « sans fioritures » la semaine prochaine, Un rapport indique que SBF "devrait saisir un plaidoyer" dans une affaire de fraude

According to court documents, Sam Bankman Fried (SBF) is set to be arraigned by the federal court in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) on Jan. 3, 2023. The disgraced FTX co-founder plans to enter a plea in his fraud case

Bitcoin Miner coté en bourse Argo Blockchain suspend le commerce du Nasdaq

Bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain announced that it requested the suspension of trading its company shares on Dec. 27, as the company expects to make an announcement on Wednesday, Déc. 28, 2022. The company’s stock has lost 96.34% year-to-date and on Dec….

La communauté Crypto demande: Où dans le monde se trouve l'ancien PDG d'Alameda, Sam Trabucco?

Suite à l'arrestation du co-fondateur de FTX Sam Bankman-Fried et aux déclarations de ses collègues Gary Wang et Caroline Ellison, les projecteurs se sont braqués sur les cadres restants qui faisaient partie du cercle restreint de l'équipe. Another person people are curious about these days

Signaler: La SEC renforce l'enquête sur les auditeurs qui entretiennent les échanges cryptographiques

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Paul Munter, the agency’s acting chief accountant, les Etats Unis. regulator is monitoring proof-of-reserves (POR) more closely. “We’re warning investors to be very wary of some of the claims that are being made by

US Lawmaker Suggests ‘Maybe’ Crypto Should Be Banned Citing Bigger Issues Than FTX

A U.S. senator has suggested that cryptocurrency shouldmaybebe banned following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. toutefois, he acknowledged that banning cryptois very difficult because it will go offshore and who knows how that will work.Senator Sherrod