Robert Kiyosaki Says ‘America Is Dying’ — Warns of Hyperinflation, Death of US Dollar

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has issued a warning about the potential demise of the U.S. dollar and the looming threat of hyperinflation. He has expressed concern that the USD may lose its value andbecome toilet paper.Further,…

Sao Paolo Court Ruled Against Binance in User Withdrawal Related Case

A court in Sao Paolo, Brésil, ruled against Binance in a case in which the leading cryptocurrency exchange faced a withdrawal-related complaint. A user, who introduced a lawsuit against the exchange because he couldn’t retrieve his funds from the platform, received

Iran Returns Seized Crypto Mining Equipment to Miners

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners

New York Times, FT, Bloomberg Blasted for Attempting to Get FTX Creditors’ Names Unsealed

Amid the ongoing FTX bankruptcy proceedings, court documents indicate that media firms such as Bloomberg, the New York Times (NYT), Dow Jones & Société, and the Financial Times (FT) want the redacted information tied to FTX creditors unsealed. The media companies

Un avocat français demande au patriarche russe d’aider à sauver Alexandre Vinnik d’un « procès politique » aux États-Unis

Un membre de l'équipe de défense de l'opérateur présumé du BTC-e, Alexandre Vinnik, a appelé le chef de l'Église orthodoxe russe à intervenir en faveur de son client.. Le ressortissant russe risque une peine de plus de 50 années dans…

L'avocat du prétendu blanchisseur de crypto Vinnik appelle la Russie à parler d'échange de prisonniers avec les États-Unis

L'avocat représentant l'informaticien russe Alexander Vinnik a exhorté le gouvernement de Moscou à discuter d'un éventuel échange de prisonniers avec les États-Unis., où il a été récemment extradé. Le juriste français n'est convaincu que d'un retour à son…

Le procureur général de DC poursuit le milliardaire Michael Saylor et Microstrategy pour fraude fiscale présumée - cherche $100 Million

The attorney general of the District of Columbia has sued Microstrategys co-founder and executive chairman, Michael Saylor, for tax fraud. The lawsuit also names Microstrategy as a defendantalleging that it conspired to help him evade taxes he legally owes.Both

L'agence fiscale argentine intensifie les saisies de portefeuilles numériques

The Argentinian Tax Agency, the AFIP, has ramped up the seizures of digital wallets of taxpayers in the country. The institution managed to seize more than 1,200 digital wallets of taxpayers that had debts and didnt have a bank account, ou…

Augmentation des poursuites liées à la cryptographie en Russie, Les affaires criminelles augmentent de 40%

Courts in Russia are hearing a growing number of cases around crypto assets, a new study has shown. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the countrys Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well….