Venelane arreteeriti väärtpaberi kaevandamise riistvara ostjate petmise eest $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

"Keskklass ei jää enam,"Miljonid pühitakse välja" – kaks turukrahhi ennustust, Gaasikartellid, ja vaalad liigutavad Mt Goxi münte: uudistenädala ülevaade

In this weeks News Week in Review, one market strategist issues a dire warning about the U.S. economy and a large market crash that could cause a “50 juurde 60 percent haircutin stocks. Further, the Russian government is reportedly

Häkkerid pakuvad Valgevene presidendi Lukašenka passi müüki NFT-na

Anti-government hackers have attempted to sell what they say is an NFT of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenkos passport. The members of theBelarusian Cyber Partisanscollective claim to have obtained the passport data of all of the countrys citizens. Cyber Guerrillas

Venemaa Pank leevendab dollari ja euro sularaha ostmise piiranguid

Venemaa keskpank on leevendanud mõningaid piiranguid Venemaa pankadele, kes müüvad USA. dollareid ja eurosid avalikkusele. Välisraha suurenenud pakkumine võib mõjutada krüptoturgu riigis, kuna valuutapiirangud on olnud tõukejõuks…

Moskva börs valmistub digitaalsete finantsvarade loetlemiseks aasta lõpuks

Venemaa’s largest market for equities, võlakirjad, and derivatives, the Moscow Exchange, intends to launch a product based on digital financial assets by the end of the year, an executive has revealed. The trading platform is already working with a partner to

Venemaa krüptokaevurite elektritarbimine hüppas 20 Ajad sisse 5 Aastaid, Uurimistulemused

Power needs of cryptocurrency miners in Russia have grown significantly since 2017, with consumption of electrical energy seeing a 20-fold increase over the five-year period. sisse 2021, the minting of the coin with the largest market cap, bitcoin, required 1.25 gigawatts

Venemaa Pank seab eesmärgiks digitaalse rubla täieliku kasutuselevõtu 2024

Venemaa keskpank plaanib kahe aasta pärast alustada digitaalse rubla terviklikku juurutamist, vastavalt dokumendile, milles kirjeldatakse üksikasjalikult tema rahapoliitilisi prioriteete 2023 – 2025 periood. Riiklikult väljastatud digiarendusena…

Chainalysis Report ütleb $2.2 Ukraina venemeelsetele rühmitustele on saadetud miljoneid krüpto

According to a report stemming from the blockchain intelligence company Chainalysis, the firm identified 54 pro-Russian groups that havecollectively received over $2.2 million worth of cryptocurrency.The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations but also got

Russian Blockchain Alternative to SWIFT to Prevent Disconnection of Nations, Banks

A Russian university is ready to test its blockchain-based analogue to the global payment messaging network SWIFT, from which Russian banks were cut off as part of Western sanctions. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

Moskvas levitati ettepanek luua Venemaa krüptobörs

Russia may establish a dedicated exchange to carry out cryptocurrency transactions locally, a high-ranking member of the State Duma has suggested. The new platform can be hosted by the Moscow Exchange, according to Anatoly Aksakov, head of the parliamentary financial market