Crypto Ban in Russia Can Have Opposite Effect, Medvedev Warns as Opposition Mounts Against Proposal

Dmitry Medvedev, former president and prime minister of Russia, has voiced his concerns over Bank of Russias initiative to ban most crypto operations. Prohibition could bring the opposite result, the Russian politician warned, joining a chorus of opinions against the restrictive

Venemaa valitsuse kavandid reguleerimiseks, Mitte keelata krüpto, Raport avalikustab

Mitmed ministeeriumid on koostanud krüptorahade tegevuskava, reguleerivad asutused, ja õiguskaitseorganid, Venemaa meedia teatas. Dokument, mille eesmärk on Venemaad reguleerida’s krüptoturul selle aasta lõpuks, tekib keset lahkarvamusi nende vahel…

USA inflatsioonimäär hüppas kõige kõrgemale 40 Aastaid kuni 7%, Inflatsiooniga mures olevad demokraadid jäävad erakonda kummitama

Üks kuumemaid teemasid Ameerika Ühendriikides 2022 on inflatsiooni tõus, nagu USA. Tööosakond’s kolmapäeval avaldatud andmed näitasid, et tarbijahinnaindeks (CPI) tõusis 7% detsembris. See on suurim aasta…

Sberbank käivitas Venemaal esimese Blockchain ETF-i

Russian banking giant Sberbank has presented the countrys first exchange-traded fund (ETF) giving investors access to the blockchain space. The new instrument holds securities of companies dealing with cryptocurrencies and the technologies that underpin them. Sberbank Introduces ETF Tracking Blockchain Economy

S&P Global Ratings Study Predicts Crypto and Decentralized Finance Will Continue to Grow in 2022.

S&P Globaalne, an intelligence and data company, suggests that crypto and decentralized finance trends will continue to gather steam in 2022. In its latest report, the company examines the current state of the market and notes that, while there are still

Sloveenia alustas avalikke konsultatsioone krüptomaksuseaduse üle

Sloveenia võimud on ette valmistanud uued õigusaktid, mis on kohandatud selleks, et määrata kindlaks, kuidas riigis maksustatakse krüptovarasid ja tehinguid. Ettepanek, mille eesmärk on asja selgitada, on antud sel nädalal avalikele aruteludele, selgus kohalikust meediast. Slovenia to

$2.2 Trillion Asset Manager Pimco Looking to Trade Cryptocurrencies, CIO Says

Pimco, an asset manager with $2.2 trillion under management, is looking to start trading cryptocurrencies. “Meie’re trading from a relative value perspective,” the firms chief investment officer said. Pimcos clients include central banks, riiklikud investeerimisfondid, public and private pension funds,…

St. Louis Fed’s James Bullard Would ‘Support Starting the Taper in November’ to React to Inflation

St. Louis Federal Reserve president James Bullard told the press on Tuesday that he thinks the U.S. central bank needs to wind down the buying of $80 billion worth of monthly bond purchases. Bullard says he would support tapering starting as

US Inflation Expectations Highest Since 2013, Gas Prices Skyrocket, Supply Chains Buckle

Americans are still concerned about dealing with inflation, as the cost of goods and services has continued to rise significantly in a short period of time. The Federal Reserve has published the latest Survey of Consumer Expectations report and U.S. households

Major Turkish Crypto Exchange Coinzo Shuts Down

Coinzo, one of Turkeys largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is terminating its digital asset trading services. The platform said its website will remain online in the next six months to allow users to withdraw their holdings in cryptocurrency and Turkish fiat money. Another