Saudi Arabia Strengthens Bond With China by Joining SCO Bloc as Dialogue Partner

China’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is growing as the country’s Cabinet has agreed to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The diplomatic move made by the kingdom began with a memorandum of understanding in September, and at the end of March,…

Latam Insights — Alliance Against Inflation, BTG Pactual Launches Stablecoin, and Argentina Debuts New Dollar

Tere tulemast Latam Insightsi, kokkuvõte viimase nädala kõige olulisematest krüpto- ja majandusarengu uudistest Ladina-Ameerikast. Selles numbris: Latin American nations ink an agreement to reduce inflation, Brazil-based BTG Pactual launches its own dollar-pegged

Value Locked in Defi Holds the Line at $50B, After Temporarily Shedding $8B in Mid-March

The total value locked (TVL) detsentraliseeritud rahanduses (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 miljardit, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

Tax Benefits for Bitcoin Businesses in Belarus Extended Until 2025

Tax exemptions for companies and individuals legally working with cryptocurrencies in Belarus will remain in place until Jan. 1, 2025. A new presidential decree extends the tax cuts introduced in 2018 when the executive power in Minsk legalized crypto activities such

Matt Damon Shares Story Behind His Crypto Commercial

Famous Hollywood actor Matt Damon has revealed the story of how he became involved in creating a cryptocurrency commercial calledFortune Favors the Bravewith After the release of the crypto ad, Damon faced global criticism for his involvement in

"2023. aasta paanika": James Corbett selgitab, kuidas pangakriis võib viia CBDC "täieliku rahakontrolli õudusunenägu"

Uuriv ajakirjanik James Corbett viitas hiljuti käimasolevale ülemaailmsele panganduskriisile, mis hõlmab SVB-d, Allkirjapank, Credit Suisse ja teised “2023. aasta paanika,” tuues võrdlusi sellega, mida ta peab ajaloolisteks pretsedentidena, ja osutades ette paratamatule…

FTX Bankman-Fried kasutab väidetavalt Alameda vahendeid õiguskaitse eest tasumiseks

Kahe FTX-ile lähedase allika järgi, Sam Bankman-Fried, häbiväärne kaasasutaja, andis isale, Stanfordi õiguse professor Joseph Bankman, miljoneid dollareid. Väidetavalt kasutatakse raha õigusabikulude katmiseks. Allikad ütlesid, et Bankman-Fried andis väidetavalt…

Law Firm’s White Paper Claims US Bank Regulators Are Waging a ‘Clandestine Financial War’ Against Crypto Businesses

According to a recent white paper published by four members of the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, USA. bank regulators are attempting todrive crypto businesses out of the financial system.The paper, pealkirjaga “Operation Chokepoint 2.0,claims that after

Bitcoin Hashrate Reaches 400 Exahash sekundis, Researcher Says Network Could Reach Zettahash Era by 2025

Despite Bitcoins difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 triljonit, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. Statistika järgi, on March 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 eksahas sekundis (EH/s)….