Biden Administration Accused of Propaganda and ‘Redefining’ a Recession’s Technical Definition

After people have accused bureaucrats and government agencies of changing definitions during the last few years, Joe Biden’s administration now claims that a second consecutive quarter of negative gross domestic product (GDP) does not indicate the U.S. is in a recession….

Uganda väidab, et avastati uurimisuuringud 31 Miljon tonni kulda

Kuigi kulda peetakse sageli napiks varaks, Uganda selgitas kolmapäeval, et hiljuti tehtud uuringud näitavad, et seal’s umbkaudu 31 miljonit tonni kullamaaki, mis ootab piirkonnas kaevandamist. enamgi veel, Uganda pressiesindaja’s ministeerium…

Kuigi aktsiad taastuvad, Analüütikud arutavad Bitcoini lahtisidumist, Kullaturud on endiselt "surve all"

USA. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

FTX asutaja Sam Bankman-Fried arvab, et Bitcoinil pole maksevõrguna tulevikku

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has given his take regarding the future of Bitcoins usage. Bankman-Fried stated he doesnt believe that Bitcoin will work as a payments network, due to its limited capability for scaling to fulfill

World Bank Predicts 3% Gold Price Growth, Expert Says a $3K per Ounce ‘Is More Likely Than Not’

The World Bank has said it expects the price of gold to rise by 3% sisse 2022 but warned the price might fall sharply if the Russian central bank decides to offload large quantities of the commodity. The Russian Factor After

Samal ajal kui Covid ja Hawkish Fed hirmutavad globaalseid turge, Aktsiad ja krüptotagastus pärast seda, kui Musk ostis Twitteri

Wall Street kannatas esmaspäeva hommikul, kuna USA suur osa. aktsiaindeksid langesid veelgi, tuginedes eelmisel nädalal kogutud kahjudele. Aruanded näitavad, et investorid on mures eelseisvate Föderaalreservi intressitõusude ja Hiina pärast’hiljutine Covid-19 puhang. As equities floundered on

Aruanne: Fed’s Secret Repo Loans to Megabanks in 2020 Eclipsed 2008 Päästmised, Data Dump Shows $48 Trillion in Stealth Funding

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) sisse 2008, reports show in late 2019 ja 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. At the end of March,…

IMF Warns Ongoing War in Europe Will Have a ‘Severe Impact on the Global Economy’

In a report published on Saturday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that an ongoing war in Europe and associated sanctions will have asevere impact on the global economy.The IMFs report says there isextraordinary uncertaintyin the

Väärismetallid, Krüptovaluutad, Aktsiaturud kõiguvad pärast Powelli intressitõusu avaldusi

Equities, crypto markets, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

Bank of America juht näeb krüpto varaklassina: "Ma ei näe seda üldse kui konkurentsi"

Ameerika Pank’s chief operating officer does not see cryptocurrency as competition. Selle asemel, he views it as an asset class, noting thatpeople like it for all sorts of different reasons.” Ameerika Pank’s COO on Crypto: ‘I Dont View It