Vitalik Buterin mõistis hukka plaani B varude muutumise hinnamudeli, Ütleb, et mudel võib olla "kahjulik"

Juba paar aastat, populaarse stock-to-flow pseudonüümiga looja (S2F) bitcoini hinnamudel, Plaan B, on muutunud väga tuntud bitcoini mõjutajate kogunemiseks 1.8 miljonit Twitteri jälgijat. Kuid, after the S2F price model didnt come to fruition

Tšehhi keskpank plaanib kullaosalust kümnekordselt suurendada, Uus kuberner ütleb, et väärismetall on hea mitmekesistamise jaoks

The incoming governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB), Aleš Michl, has said he plans to increase the institutions gold holdings almost tenfold from the current 11 tonnes to 100 tonni. Michl also said he will ask the banks foreign exchange

Hävitatud ebaseaduslike krüptokaevandusfarmide arv Iraanis läheneb 7,000

Iraani võimud on peaaegu sulgenud 7,000 volitamata rajatised krüptoraha kaevandamiseks viimase kahe aasta jooksul, teatas kohalik meedia. Vastavalt aruandele, enamik illegaalseid bitcoinifarme oli koondunud viide Islamivabariigi provintsi,…

Kaevandusaruanne näitab, et Bitcoini elektritarbimine on vähenenud 25% 1. kvartalis 2022

At the end of May last year, Tesla’s Elon Musk convinced bitcoin industry leaders to form a Bitcoin Mining Council (BMC) and in mid-July, the BMC launched its public services and website. aprillil 25, 2022, the organization published a report

Aruanne: Fed’s Secret Repo Loans to Megabanks in 2020 Eclipsed 2008 Päästmised, Data Dump Shows $48 Trillion in Stealth Funding

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) sisse 2008, reports show in late 2019 ja 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. At the end of March,…

$540 Miljoni väärtuses "magavaid Bitcoine". 2014 Liikumine – BTC võib olla seotud Cryptsy Theftiga

märtsil 29, blockchain parsers caught a sequence of 11 transactions totaling 11,325 bitcoin moving from unknown wallets created in 2014, to a great number of recipient addresses. Lisaks, the stash of bitcoin worth $540 million today is possibly linked to

De-Mixing Wasabi Coinjoin Transactions: A Deep Dive Into Chainalysis’ Deanonymizing Claims

Teisipäeval, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

Tonga Kuningriik võib Bitcoini seadusliku pakkumisena kasutusele võtta, Ütleb endine parlamendiliige

The Kingdom of Tonga may adopt bitcoin as legal tender, according to a former member of Tongas parliament, Lord Fusitu’a, who tweeted about a possible timeline for this event to occur. Fusitua believes that by next fall a bill will be