Defi tagasilöökides lukustatud väärtus – nutikad lepingumärgid CPH, LUNA, XCP Lead the Pack

Detsentraliseeritud rahanduses lukustatud koguväärtus (defi) on suutnud hüpata kõrgemale $200 miljardi tsoon, kuna krüptoturud on eelmisel nädalal toimunud turu langusest taastunud. Mitmed kohalikud varad $611 miljardi väärtuses nutikat lepingut…

Krüptoarvelduse käivitamine Zebec saab $15 Programmeeritavate sularahamaksete tegemiseks miljoneid

The multi-signature treasury management and settlement startup Zebec has revealed the company has raised $15 million in order to bolster a continuous and programmable cash stream protocol on the Solana blockchain. Zebec says the company aims to be thepayment solution

Luna fondi valvur tõstab $1 Miljard UST Dollar Peg kaitsmiseks

Luna fondi valvur (LFG) on tõstnud $1 miljardit miljardit eraviisilise märgimüügiga, et võimaldada kontsernil kaitsta UST sidumist, Terra’s lipulaev stabiilne münt, turu ebastabiilsuse vastu. Kuigi märgil on dollari säilitamiseks algoritmiline meetod…

Kazakhstan Cracks Down on Illegal Mining, Busts 13 Crypto Farms

Authorities in Kazakhstan have gone after illegal crypto mining operations amid ongoing issues with electricity supply. Working together with law enforcement, riik’s energy ministry announced the closure of over a dozen facilities minting digital currencies. Government Shuts Down Unauthorized Crypto

Russia’s Finance Ministry Submits Bill to Legalize Crypto Investments, Ban Payments

Russian Ministry of Finance has prepared and submitted a new bill to expand crypto regulations to the government. Seadus “Digitaalvaluutas” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

New Yorgi kohtunik käsib Terraform Labsil täita SECi uurimiskutse

Hiljutine New Yorgi lõunapiirkonnast pärit kohtuavaldus näitab, et USA. ringkonnakohtunik on andnud krüpto-idufirmale Terraform Labsile korralduse järgida väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjoni nõudeid’s (SEC) kohtukutse. Novembri teisel nädalal…

Aruanne: Blockchain and Crypto VC Investments Grew Almost Tenfold During 2021 in Latam

A new report issued by LAVCA, the Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America, has found that the venture capital (VC) investment in the region has grown immensely compared to the previous years numbers. In general, the region registered investments

RBI asekuberner: Krüpto keelustamine on India jaoks kõige soovitatavam, Määrus on asjatu

A deputy governor of Indias central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), likens cryptocurrencies to Ponzi schemes, emphasizing that they cannot be regulated. “It would be futile to regulate cryptocurrencies,” he claims, stating that they should be banned. RBI’s Deputy

Hungary’s Central Bank Governor Calls for EU-Wide Ban on Cryptocurrency Trading and Mining

The governor of Hungarys central bank has called for a ban on cryptocurrency trading and mining in the European Union. “It is clear-cut that cryptocurrencies could service illegal activities and tend to build up financial pyramids,” ta ütles. Hungarian Central Bank