Whitepay tutvustab Ukraina tehnikapoodidele krüptomakseid

Ukrainians will be able to purchase electronics and other products with digital coins thanks to a service provided by Whitepay. The payment processor, established by the Ukrainian-born digital asset exchange Whitebit, has recently implemented crypto payments in the countrys largest tech

Venemaa krüptokaevurite elektritarbimine hüppas 20 Ajad sisse 5 Aastaid, Uurimistulemused

Power needs of cryptocurrency miners in Russia have grown significantly since 2017, with consumption of electrical energy seeing a 20-fold increase over the five-year period. sisse 2021, the minting of the coin with the largest market cap, bitcoin, required 1.25 gigawatts

Briti Fintech Revolut andis Küprosel krüptolitsentsi

Küpros on andnud Ühendkuningriigis asuvale digitaalpangale Revolut loa pakkuda krüptovaluutateenuseid miljonitele klientidele vanal mandril. Fintech-ettevõte ütleb, et regulatiivne heakskiit võimaldab tal asutada saareriigis Euroopa krüptokeskuse….

Euroopa juhtiv rehvide taastaja Vaculug, kes võtab vastu krüptomakseid

Vaculug, a British company that brands itself as Europes largest independent tire retreader, will now accept cryptocurrencies for its products and services. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….

Brasiilia krüptoinvesteeringute platvorm Bluebenx peatab häkkimissüüdistuste alusel väljavõtmised

Bluebenx, a Brazil-based cryptocurrency investment platform, suspended withdrawals last week due to an alleged hack that made the company lose more than $31 miljonit. The company announced that the withdrawals would be stopped for at least six months. The company has

Krüptoinvesteeringute populaarsus nõuab regulatsioone, Austraalia väärtpaberite valvekoer ütleb

Krüpto omamise kõrged määrad, ostudega, mis on sageli tehtud Youtube'i ja Facebooki nõuannete põhjal, tegema “tugev põhjendus reguleerimiseks,” Austraalia väärtpaberi- ja investeerimiskomisjoni andmetel. Valvekoer toetab oma seisukohta küsitlustulemustega, mis näitavad peaaegu poole…

Saksa krüptobörsi Nuri maksejõuetuse failid

Cryptocurrency exchange Nuri has filed for insolvency, reportedly becoming Germanys first fintech to take the step in a challenging year for startups in the industry. Customer access to the platforms services and their funds will not be affected, the company assured….

Kasahstan uurib Crypto Mining Hotelit, mis väidetavalt tegutseb Ponzi skeemina

Authorities in Kazakhstan have launched an investigation into a mining hotel business suspected of being a crypto pyramid as part of an ongoing crackdown on illegal activities linked to cryptocurrencies. The platform, called Bincloud, lured investors through popular messaging apps. Bincloud

OFACi Tornado sularahakeeld põhjustab Githubi peatamise ja 437 miljoni dollari suuruse krüptoaadresside musta nimekirja kandmise

augustil 8, the ethereum mixing service Tornado Cash, and all the crypto addresses associated with the platform, were officially banned by the U.S. Rahandusosakond’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Following the ban, the internet hosting service for software

Krüptokasiinosid on võimatu seadistada, kuna mäng on plokiahelas - Online-kasiino arvustaja

According to an igaming expert, Keane Ecclestone, crypto casinos are increasingly popular with bettors that value their privacy and security. While some perceive crypto casinos to be riskier than traditional online gambling platforms, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing