"2023. aasta paanika": James Corbett selgitab, kuidas pangakriis võib viia CBDC "täieliku rahakontrolli õudusunenägu"

Uuriv ajakirjanik James Corbett viitas hiljuti käimasolevale ülemaailmsele panganduskriisile, mis hõlmab SVB-d, Allkirjapank, Credit Suisse ja teised “2023. aasta paanika,” tuues võrdlusi sellega, mida ta peab ajaloolisteks pretsedentidena, ja osutades ette paratamatule…

Get Real, Lagarde — The Underlying Asset ‘Guaranteeing’ Your Euro Scam Coin Is a Gun

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC-d) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. Hiljuti, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Aruanne: Fed’s Secret Repo Loans to Megabanks in 2020 Eclipsed 2008 Päästmised, Data Dump Shows $48 Trillion in Stealth Funding

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) sisse 2008, reports show in late 2019 ja 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. At the end of March,…

Crypto’s Sanction-Slipping Power: Why Bitcoin’s Neutrality Is Its Greatest Humanitarian Asset

Decentralized networks such as Bitcoins dont know national allegiance, they only know math. And when youre trying to get your savings out of an ATM, or send a payment to relatives in a war-torn environment, someone elses politics is the last