‘Landmark’ Crypto Law Proposed in New York to Establish ‘Strongest and Most Comprehensive’ Crypto Regulations in US

New York State Attorney General Letitia James has proposed “landmark” crypto legislation that claims to be “the strongest and most comprehensive set of regulations on cryptocurrency” in the United States. “Rampant fraud and dysfunction have become the hallmarks of cryptocurrency and

South African Professor Accuses US Regulators of Attempting to ‘Assassinate Crypto’

The United Statesattempts toassassinate cryptoare illegal and unlikely to succeed becausecrypto is global,” Steven Boykey Sidley, a South African professor and author, has argued. According to Sidley, many formerly U.S.-based companies and innovators have fled the country

Binance ja Crypto.com avaldavad Global Auditor Mazars Groupi läbiviidud reservi tõendavad auditid

Sel nädalal esitasid kaks krüptovaluutabörsi reservide tõendit, et rõhutada, et kauplemisplatvormid toetavad klientide varasid 1:1. Binance avaldas oma aruande detsembris. 7, 2022, ja kirjeldas auditi läbi viinud ülemaailmset audiitorit Mazars Group. detsembril. 9,…

Aruanne viitab sellele, et FTX-i märgistatud aktsiad ei pruugi olla tagatud 1:1, Sünteetikat võidi kasutada tegelike aktsiahindade manipuleerimiseks

detsembril. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. Maikuus 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

Binance and Paxos-Backed Stablecoin BUSD’s Market Cap Climbs 22% sisse 2 Kuud

In mid-August, või 68 päeva tagasi, the market capitalization of the stablecoin BUSD was approximately $17.7 billion and since then, its grown 22.88% higher to today’s $21.78 miljardit. BUSD’s growth comes at a time when the market valuations of the top

The Number of Euro-Pegged Stablecoins Has Swelled 1,683% Since 2020

While the stablecoin economy is worth roughly $153 miljardit täna, euro-backed stablecoin issuance has increased 1,683% alates $31.9 million worth of euro-based tokens on January 3, 2020, to today’s $569 miljonit. Since November 2021, the number of euro stablecoins swelled by

Circle Partners With New York Community Bancorp — Bank to Custody USDC Reserves

Circle Internet Financial has revealed a usd coin custody partnership with the American bank holding company New York Community Bancorp (NYCB). Under the agreement, NYCBs subsidiary, New York Community Bank, will become a custodian for the companys stablecoin reserves. Circle Partners

Jump Crypto Replaces $320 Million in Ethereum Taken From Wormhole Exploit

On February 2, 2022, the Wormhole Networks ethereumsolana bridge was exploited for 120,000 WETH (wrapped ethereum) worth $320 million and the following day, the team explained thatall funds have been restored and Wormhole is back up.The team