Aruanne viitab sellele, et FTX-i märgistatud aktsiad ei pruugi olla tagatud 1:1, Sünteetikat võidi kasutada tegelike aktsiahindade manipuleerimiseks

detsembril. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. Maikuus 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

Opensea NFT Marketplace Claims Employee Profited From Insider Information

Septembril 15, the top non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, Avameri, revealed that an Opensea executive profited from insider trading. “Yesterday we learned that one of our employees purchased items that they knew were set to display on our front page before