Russia to Increase Reliance on National Currencies in Energy Trade, Vows to Move Away From the US Dollar

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

Saudi Araabia ja OPEC avaldasid üllatusena naftatootmise kärpimise; Valge Maja väidab, et kärped pole praegu soovitatavad

Pühapäeval, Saudi Araabia ja mitmed suuremad naftatootjad teatasid oma plaanist vähendada naftatootmist 1.15 miljonit barrelit päevas, algab mais ja kestab kuni aasta lõpuni 2023. Saudi Araabia energiaministeeriumi andmetel, käik oli…

ESG Analyst Daniel Batten Reveals Dynamic Charts Showing Bitcoin’s 52.6% Sustainable Energy Use

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

Iran Returns Seized Crypto Mining Equipment to Miners

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners

Kuna Fed pöördub 109 Aastat vana, USA dollari ostujõudu on vähendanud rohkem kui 96% Alates selle loomisest

109 aastaid tagasi, USA. Föderaalreserv loodi ja sellest ajast alates, USA ostujõud. dollar on kõvasti langenud. Alates Föderatsiooni algusest, rohkem kui 96% rohelise seljaga’s ostujõud on kustutatud…

Massachusetts Senator Forwards Bill Aimed at Forcing Crypto Miners to Report Greenhouse Gas Emissions

detsembril. 8, 2022, three Democratic politicians from Massachusetts, Oregon, and California revealed legislation aimed at combattingenergy-intensivecryptocurrency mining operations. The bill introduced by senator Ed Markey (D-MA) alleges that crypto miningstrains the gridand the industryundermines U.S….

New Yorgi kuberner kirjutas alla seadusele, mis keelab osaliselt Bitcoini kaevandamise fossiilkütustel

New Yorgis on allkirjastatud moratoorium mõnele süsinikupõhisel energial põhinevale krüptokaevandamisele.. Osariigis töötõendite kaevandamisega tegelevad ettevõtted ei saa järgmiseks kaheks lube laiendada ega uuendada…

Natural Gas Price Hike Hits Crypto Miners in Iran

Companies using natural gas as a power source to mint digital currency in Iran will have to deal with a sharp increase in the price of the fuel. The new rates set by the state-run supplier are almost double the previous

S&P Globaalne aruanne ütleb, et EL ja Ühendkuningriik on majanduslanguses, Putin arvab, et lääs on ahne

Täna’Selle viletsa maailmamajandusega on kõik eesotsas, kuna inflatsioon on laastanud tavaliste inimeste rahakotte ja energiahinnad tõusevad kogu maailmas jätkuvalt. Credit Suisse andmetel, “halvim on alles ees,” kui ülemaailmne investeerimispank’s…

Nicolas Maduro Tempts West With an Abundance of Oil and Gas, Venezuelan President Wants Sanctions Lifted

Amid the economic rumblings across the world and the energy crisis in Europe, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has said his country is ready to step up and help with oil. Despite the fact that Venezuela has the largest supply of crude