25% of US Adults Plan to Start Investing in Crypto, Programas de encuestas

A U.S. consumer survey shows that 25% of respondents who currently do not own cryptocurrency plan to start investing in crypto. “2021 was a good year for crypto. Of the respondents that own crypto, more than half reported that they had

Río de Janeiro para invertir 1% de su tesorería en criptomoneda

Rio de Janeiro, una de las ciudades más grandes de Brasil, invertirá parte de su Tesorería en criptomonedas. El anuncio fue hecho por el alcalde de Río, Eduardo Paes, durante la Semana de la Innovación de Río. The plan is to turn the city into

Solana reconoce formalmente los problemas con las transacciones de 'High Compute' que obstruyen la red

Solana, a top ten smart contracts-enabled cryptocurrency by market cap, has acknowledged it is facing a series of problems hindering the performance of its network. The official account of the status of the network, as well as the status page, reportado…

Senador de EE. UU. en Crypto: Necesitamos soluciones reales para que el sistema financiero funcione para todos, No solo los ricos

A NOSOTROS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that cryptocurrency is not a path to financial inclusion like crypto advocates claim. “Bitcoin ownership is even more concentrated within the top 1% than dollars,” she said, emphasizing the need forreal solutions to make

Ethereum se ha quemado 1.2 Millones de ETH en 4 Meses, Cerca de $5 Miles de millones en éter destruidos

With three days left until the end of 2021, the Ethereum network and its native token ether have had a phenomenal year as ether has increased more than 450% in value in 12 meses. 145 hace días, en Agosto 5, la…

El fundador de Matrixport, Jihan Wu, cree que el espacio criptográfico aumentará a "decenas de billones de dólares"

Seven months ago, durante la primera semana de mayo, the digital currency entrepreneur Jihan Wu said at a conference that he expects the crypto industry to surpass the internet and the following August, Wus firm Matrixport raised $100 million and joined

Value Locked in Defi Continues to Slide, ETH Defi Dominates by 65%, Solana Transactions Reign

El valor total bloqueado (TVL) in decentralized finance has slid 15.63% since the metrics all-time high of $275 billion sixteen days ago on December 1. Since the end of the first week of December, the TVL is down 7.19% lower with

Transferencias de ballenas Bitcoin del tamaño de un monstruo: Blockchain Parser captura cantidades significativas de 'Cold BTC' movidas a intercambios activos

Two days ago on November 30, the price of bitcoin (BTC) tapped a high that day reaching $59,250 por unidad, but it has since dropped close to 5% in value to just above the $56K region. Onchain statistics indicate that whales

$7.5 Million NFT Collection Accused of Using Art Without Permission Threatened by Legal Action

While non-fungible token (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, allá’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection

Caricaturista político acusa a las plataformas NFT Opensea, Lo raro de ser ‘herramientas para la censura política’

While non-fungibe token (NFT) collectibles have been very popular, NFTs have brought a slew of unique debates to the table and one of them has been censorship. The artist behind Stonetoss Comics, a series of political cartoons, has been censored by