Polygon revela el proyecto Supernets para impulsar la adopción de Web3, Promesas $100 Millones a Primeros Usuarios

En abril 22, the layer two (L2) scaling network Polygon introduced the new Supernets network, a blockchain protocol thats built to bolster Web3 technology. Es más, Polygon is pledging $100 million to early Supernet userswho can help fast-track adoption.The announcement

'Tarifas 100 veces más bajas que las de L1': Alchemy integra el producto Starknet de Ethereum L2 para aumentar la escalabilidad de Web3

Según la startup Starkware, el equipo’s Ethereum capa dos (L2) El servicio Starknet ha sido integrado por la API blockchain y el servicio de nodo Alchemy.. Los desarrolladores ahora pueden aprovechar Alchemy’s herramientas de infraestructura junto con Starknet’s conocimiento cero (ZK) tecnología acumulada. Socios de Starkware de inicio con sede en Israel…

Bank of America Says Solana Could Take Market Share From Ethereum, Become the Visa of the Crypto Ecosystem

Banco de America’s analyst says that Solana could take market share away from Ethereum. Noting that Solana is optimized for micropayments, juego de azar, and non-fungible tokens (NFT), the analyst expectsSolana could become the Visa of the digital asset ecosystem.Bank of

Reporte: Ronin Sidechain Processed 560% More Total Transactions Than Ethereum Last November

The blockchain-powered game Axie Infinity has been a very popular application during the last 12 meses, as the games NFTs have outpaced every NFT collection today in terms of all-time sales. While Axie Infinity has seen $3.85 mil millones en ventas de todos los tiempos,…

JPMorgan Shares Predictions on Crypto Markets, Ethereum’s Upgrades, Defi, NFT

Global investment bank JPMorgan has published a report on the future outlook of crypto markets, including Ethereums upgrades, finanzas descentralizadas (definitivamente), and non-fungible tokens (NFT). The bank seesthe cryptocurrency markets as increasingly relevant to financial services,” its analyst described. JPMorgan…

El cofundador de Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, publica una "hoja de ruta plausible" que aborda la escalabilidad

En los últimos tiempos la red Ethereum ha recibido muchas críticas sobre el protocolo.’s tarifas de transferencia de datos y escalabilidad. En una publicación de blog llamada “final del juego,” publicado en diciembre 6, el cofundador de ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discutió planes para mejorar la escala,…

Etéreo contra. Avax Social Media Battles Rage a medida que las tarifas L1 siguen aumentando

The Ethereum scaling wars are raging on social media due to the problems that this chain is facing, with fees on layer one (L1) at very high levels. Zhu Su, CEO of Three Arrows Capital, a notable crypto VC company, Anunciado…

While Musk Mentions Doge Improvements, Dogecoin Developers Continue to Address Scaling Concerns

El domingo, Elon Musk discussed his relationship with the Dogecoin Foundation and he mentioned a few improvements hed like to see implemented via Dogecoin Cores codebase. Mientras tanto, Github metrics show developers have been working on Dogecoin Core during the last few