Chip Giant Intel Abandons Bitcoin ASIC Production

After announcing the production of bitcoin application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC), Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer by revenue, appears to be abandoning its blockchain chip production. El martes, a spokesperson for the chip manufacturer explained that Intel hasend-of-lifed the

Starkware Plans to Open Source Key Tech Linked to Starknet Prover

At the Starkware Sessions 2023 event, held at the Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware co-founder Eli Ben-Sasson informed the audience that the company intends to open sourcekey techlinked to the Starknet Prover. During the event, the co-founder

Informe del Banco Mundial pronostica sombrías perspectivas económicas mundiales, Citando “acontecimientos adversos” y una “desaceleración duradera”

es enero. 10, 2023, el Banco Mundial publicó su informe Perspectivas Económicas Globales, afirmando que las perspectivas para la economía global y las condiciones económicas futuras son sombrías. Según el informe, 2023 Las previsiones de crecimiento se han recortado en todos los ámbitos., con…

Colombia Registers First Real Estate Purchase With Bitcoin

The first real estate purchase with Bitcoin has been registered in Colombia last week. La empresa, called La Haus, sold one property in Santa Marta to a buyer that was not in Colombia at the time of the purchase. While Colombia

Putin advierte que las criptomonedas conllevan riesgos, Admite que pueden tener futuro

Russian President Vladimir Putin has again spoken about cryptocurrencies, noting thehigh risksassociated with the virtual assets. Sin embargo, the Russian leader has also acknowledged that digital currencies may have a future and its necessary to follow their development. Rusia’s Putin

While Musk Mentions Doge Improvements, Dogecoin Developers Continue to Address Scaling Concerns

El domingo, Elon Musk discussed his relationship with the Dogecoin Foundation and he mentioned a few improvements hed like to see implemented via Dogecoin Cores codebase. Mientras tanto, Github metrics show developers have been working on Dogecoin Core during the last few

Stablecoin USDC se lanza en Hedera Network

Circle announced today the launch of its trademark stablecoin USDC on top of the Hedera network. This action is part of the multichain commitment that Circle announced earlier this year, with the objective of further expanding the reach of the currency

ETC Group Releases Bitcoin Cash Report Praising High Usage and Vibrant Development

ETC Group, an ETF issuer company, released a report last month about the evolution of Bitcoin Cash in the years after the hard fork that created it. While the company acknowledged the asset price is lagging compared to its older sibling,…

El Banco Central de Turquía amplía la investigación, se prepara para probar la lira digital en una nueva plataforma

The Turkish central bank has established a new platform together with technology stakeholders to further the development of a digitalized version of the national fiat currency. The new collaboration will allow Turkey to focus on expanding research and conducting tests of

Rublo digital para ayudar a frenar el uso de "sustitutos de dinero",Rusia dice en documento de estrategia financiera

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, the countrys financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent