Hacker Siphons Close to $300K in OHM Tokens From the Olympus DAO

El viernes, Octubre 21, a malicious entity siphoned 30,437 OHM tokens from the Olympus DAO after finding a loophole in the rebase project’s smart contract. Following the exploit, the blockchain security and data analytics company, Peckshield, detailed the hackers stole close

Los desarrolladores de Ripple y Peersyst impulsan XRP hacia la compatibilidad de Ethereum con la primera fase de una cadena lateral EVM

According to an announcement from Ripples core development team Ripplex, developers have introduced the first step toward Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility with the XRP-based sidechain XRPL. The XRPL is now live on Devnet and developers canassess available technologies,” alongside

Near Protocol Supports Tether USDT, Stablecoin Is Now Hosted on 14 Blockchain Networks

Los lunes, the stablecoin issuer Tether Operations Limited announced that the stablecoin tether is now supported by the Near blockchain network. Following a number of recent implementations, Near will be the 14th blockchain network that hosts the largest stablecoin by market

El emisor de Stablecoin Tether no congelará las direcciones de efectivo de Tornado, Dice que la congelación prematura podría poner en peligro las investigaciones

While the crypto community is still talking about the U.S. government banning the ethereum mixing platform Tornado Cash, the stablecoin issuer Tether Holdings Limited revealed on Wednesday that the company would notfreeze Tornado Cash addresses.” Atar’s recently published blog post

La prohibición de efectivo Tornado de OFAC provoca suspensiones de Github y la lista negra de direcciones criptográficas con $ 437 millones

En Agosto 8, el servicio de mezcla de ethereum Tornado Cash, y todas las direcciones criptográficas asociadas a la plataforma, fueron oficialmente prohibidos por los EE.UU.. Departamento de Tesorería’s Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC). Tras la prohibición, el servicio de alojamiento de internet para software…

Value Locked in Defi Rebounds — Smart Contract Tokens CPH, LUNA, XCP Lead the Pack

The total value locked in decentralized finance (definitivamente) has managed to jump above the $200 billion zone, as crypto markets have rebounded from the market downturn last week. A number of native assets from the $611 billion worth of smart contract

El Banco de Rusia informa de las primeras transferencias digitales exitosas en rublos entre usuarios

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, businesses,…

Jump Crypto Replaces $320 Million in Ethereum Taken From Wormhole Exploit

En febrero 2, 2022, the Wormhole Networks ethereumsolana bridge was exploited for 120,000 WETH (etéreo envuelto) valer $320 million and the following day, the team explained thatall funds have been restored and Wormhole is back up.The team

Circle Launches USDC on Flow Blockchain

Círculo, the operator of USDC, one of the biggest stablecoins by market cap, has launched USDC as a native asset on top of the Flow blockchain. Flow is a blockchain project made to host NFT and game-based initiatives, aiming for low

Aumenta el dominio de Bitcoin, Diapositivas de participación de mercado de ETH, Aumentan las Stablecoin y Smart Contract Coins

El miércoles, the crypto economy of 12,620 coins across 543 exchanges is hovering just above the $2 trillion mark. Ever since the crypto economys market slump, bitcoin’s market dominance among all the coins in existence has slowly risen from 37% zona…