Whitepay introduce criptopagos en las tiendas de tecnología de Ucrania

Ukrainians will be able to purchase electronics and other products with digital coins thanks to a service provided by Whitepay. The payment processor, established by the Ukrainian-born digital asset exchange Whitebit, has recently implemented crypto payments in the countrys largest tech

El Banco de Rusia tiene como objetivo el lanzamiento completo del rublo digital en 2024

The Central Bank of Russia plans to begin the comprehensive implementation of the digital ruble two years from now, according to a paper detailing its monetary policy priorities for the 2023 – 2025 period. As the development of the state-issued digital

Nuri de intercambio criptográfico alemán se declara insolvente

Cryptocurrency exchange Nuri has filed for insolvency, reportedly becoming Germanys first fintech to take the step in a challenging year for startups in the industry. Customer access to the platforms services and their funds will not be affected, the company assured….

El informe de Chainalysis dice $2.2 Se han enviado millones en criptomonedas a grupos prorrusos en Ucrania

According to a report stemming from the blockchain intelligence company Chainalysis, the firm identified 54 pro-Russian groups that havecollectively received over $2.2 million worth of cryptocurrency.The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations but also got

Social Media Users Deride China’s Reported Use of Military Tanks to Intimidate Protesting Bank Customers

Social media users have slammed Chinas reported use of military tanks to intimidate bank customers protesting against the freezing of their savings. Some users claimed the deployment of military tanks exposes the countrys underlying economic problems. Crypto proponents see the issue

Security Service of Ukraine Shuts Down Crypto Mining Farm Near Front Line in Kharkiv

Ucrania’s main law enforcement agency has busted an illegal facility mining cryptocurrencies in the Kharkiv region. The operators of the crypto farm have been minting coins using large amounts of stolen electricity, threatening energy supply to critical infrastructure, the agency said….

Russian Blockchain Alternative to SWIFT to Prevent Disconnection of Nations, Banks

A Russian university is ready to test its blockchain-based analogue to the global payment messaging network SWIFT, from which Russian banks were cut off as part of Western sanctions. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

Propuesta para establecer intercambio criptográfico ruso circula en Moscú

Russia may establish a dedicated exchange to carry out cryptocurrency transactions locally, a high-ranking member of the State Duma has suggested. The new platform can be hosted by the Moscow Exchange, according to Anatoly Aksakov, head of the parliamentary financial market

Por poco 70,000 Binance Refugee Crypto Card emitida para ucranianos

Thousands of Ukrainians have ordered a crypto card issued by the worlds leading digital asset exchange, Binance, para sus usuarios del país devastado por la guerra. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial

A Newly Published Book Claims to Tell the ‘Real Story Behind Mysterious Bitcoin Creator’

Durante el último 13 years, a great number of individuals have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin, but no single person has been able to prove this to the greater crypto community. At the end of August 2019, a marketing