Mike Novogratz espera que Bitcoin alcance los USD 500 000: dice que BTC es una gran alternativa en economías con mala administración

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz says bitcoin is a great alternative and a lifeline to people in countries with poor stewardship of the economy. He expects the price of the cryptocurrency to hit $500K. “We see an adoption cycle that accelerates

Bitcoin Mining Report Shows Network’s Emissions Account for 0.08% of the World’s CO2

During the last year, Bitcoin — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (PoW) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. Esta semana, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that

Sberbank lanza el primer ETF de cadena de bloques en Rusia

Russian banking giant Sberbank has presented the countrys first exchange-traded fund (fondo cotizado en bolsa) giving investors access to the blockchain space. The new instrument holds securities of companies dealing with cryptocurrencies and the technologies that underpin them. Sberbank Introduces ETF Tracking Blockchain Economy

Bitcoin Treasuries List Claims 59 Companies and a Handful of Countries Hold 1.49 Million BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. Este Dia, metrics indicate there are 59 compañías, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) con…

Jack Dorsey y Elon Musk expresan su preocupación por Web3 a medida que crece el escepticismo sobre la propiedad

El ex director ejecutivo de Twitter, Jack Dorsey, inició un debate sobre web3 después de que el director ejecutivo de Tesla, Elon Musk, lo criticara.. Dorsey advirtió sobre los riesgos de la centralización, enfatizando que web3 es propiedad de capitalistas de riesgo (VC), escondiéndose bajo la premisa de la descentralización. “yo’metro…

New York City Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Will Take First 3 Paychecks in Bitcoin, Promises to Make NYC Center of Crypto

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams says that he will take his first three paychecks in bitcoin. He has also promised to make NYC the center of crypto. “NYC its going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other

The Sandbox Scores $93 Million Investment Led by Softbank as Metaverse Tokens Thrive

La caja de arena, a blockchain-based metaverse game, has scored an investment of $93 million to keep expanding its metaverse proposal. The funding round was led by Softbanks Vision Fund 2, an investment vehicle that puts funds on early tech-based companies. Other investors

Paris Hilton enumera algunas piezas de su colección NFT a través del Metaverse Marketplace de Sotheby's

Last week the leading luxury auction house Sothebys introduced its non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace calledMetaverse.The Sothebys NFT marketplace has featured a number of collectible artworks including cards from the Rare Pepe card collection. Now the socialite Paris Hilton has

Revolve Games Adds New Dimensions to Play-to-Earn Blockchain Gaming

PRESIONE SOLTAR. Playing games has taken another dimension entirely through a new play-to-earn model that makes earning generating crypto revenue easier than ever. Revolve Games is revolutionizing the way DeFi staking is integrated with blockchain gaming by debuting a Metaverse where

Los principales intercambios de criptomonedas cortaron lazos con los usuarios chinos después de la última represión de China contra las criptomonedas

Major cryptocurrency exchanges are cutting ties with users in China following the latest crypto crackdown announcement by the Chinese government. Huobi has stopped letting new users in China sign up for its services while Binance has blocked account registrations using Chinese