El cofundador de Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, publica una "hoja de ruta plausible" que aborda la escalabilidad

En los últimos tiempos la red Ethereum ha recibido muchas críticas sobre el protocolo.’s tarifas de transferencia de datos y escalabilidad. En una publicación de blog llamada “final del juego,” publicado en diciembre 6, el cofundador de ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discutió planes para mejorar la escala,…

Proyecto de ley criptográfico indio: El CEO de Exchange analiza qué esperar

There are reports that the Indian government may impose restrictions on self-custodial cryptocurrency wallets and only allow Indian crypto exchanges. The CEO of a major cryptocurrency exchange in India has shared his thoughts on the possible restrictions. The Indian government has

Hillary Clinton Warns Cryptocurrency Could Destabilize Nations, Undermine Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has urged nation-states tostart paying greater attention to the rise of cryptocurrency.She warned that crypto could undermine the role of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency and could destabilize nations. Hillary Clinton Warns

Russian Officials Back Idea of Recognizing Crypto Miners as Entrepreneurs

Cryptocurrency mining should be recognized as an entrepreneurial activity under Russian law and taxed accordingly, representatives of key ministries in Moscow and the parliament have indicated. Officials believe the regulatory move would benefit both the state and the crypto industry. Russian

Defi pierde el rastro de su visión central a medida que se asemeja gradualmente a la idea misma que aspiraba a cambiar

As defi continues to expand, it risks embracing the very ideology it initially sought to reject as the primary beneficiaries of this new financing paradigm are those who already own digital assets. Replacing Intermediaries Doesnt Directly Improve Finance When it comes

Coinbase publica una propuesta para impulsar la criptorregulación 4 Recomendaciones básicas

El intercambio de criptomonedas Coinbase ha publicado su propuesta de regulación de criptomonedas después “más que 75 reuniones con partes interesadas en el gobierno, industria, y academia,” El CEO Brian Armstrong reveló. En su Propuesta de Política de Activos Digitales, la empresa recomienda “four core pillars to inform future