Combined Transactions on Arbitrum and Optimism L2 Chains Outpace Ethereum’s Daily Transfer Count

Since The Merge, Etéreo’s onchain fees have been considerably lower. Sin embargo, combined transaction volume on layer two (L2) chains Arbitrum and Optimism has outpaced Ethereums onchain transaction output. En sábado, Jan. 14, 2023, Ethereum processed 1.10 million onchain transactions, while combined

Reports Suggest Caroline Ellison Is Working With Feds and Snitching on FTX Co-Founder Bankman-Fried

Following the arrest of the former FTX boss Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), spectators continue to wonder where ex-Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison is, and whether or not she turned on SBF. A few reports suggest Ellison is “likely working with feds” and

100-Year-Old Pennsylvania-Based Bank Approved to Leverage Makerdao’s Stablecoin Vault

Makerdao, the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that issues the stablecoin DAI, approved a governance proposal that providescollateral integration from a U.S.-based bank.The Makerdao governance proposal passed by a majority vote of more than 87%, and it gives the U.S….

Polygon revela el proyecto Supernets para impulsar la adopción de Web3, Promesas $100 Millones a Primeros Usuarios

En abril 22, the layer two (L2) scaling network Polygon introduced the new Supernets network, a blockchain protocol thats built to bolster Web3 technology. Es más, Polygon is pledging $100 million to early Supernet userswho can help fast-track adoption.The announcement

'Tarifas 100 veces más bajas que las de L1': Alchemy integra el producto Starknet de Ethereum L2 para aumentar la escalabilidad de Web3

Según la startup Starkware, el equipo’s Ethereum capa dos (L2) El servicio Starknet ha sido integrado por la API blockchain y el servicio de nodo Alchemy.. Los desarrolladores ahora pueden aprovechar Alchemy’s herramientas de infraestructura junto con Starknet’s conocimiento cero (ZK) tecnología acumulada. Socios de Starkware de inicio con sede en Israel…