Economist Peter Schiff Warns US Will Default on Its Debt — Raising Debt Ceiling Will Make Problem Worse

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. will default on its debt obligations. He further stressed: “All the bad stuff that they’re saying is going to happen if we don’t raise the debt ceiling is guaranteed to happen because we

Russland wird sich im Energiehandel stärker auf nationale Währungen verlassen, Gelübde, sich vom US-Dollar zu entfernen

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

China warnt vor globaler finanzieller Instabilität durch die US-Wirtschaftspolitik

China has urged the U.S. and other developed nations to assess the spillover effects of their economic and financial policies. “The economic and financial policies of the U.S. pose the biggest challenge to global financial stability,” according to the Chinese Ministry

Rohstoffstratege warnt US-Wirtschaft vor „schwerer deflationärer Rezession“

Bloomberg Intelligence’s senior commodity strategist, Mike McGlone, has warned that the U.S. economy isheading towards a severe deflationary recession,” emphasizing that the Federal Reserve is still tightening. “Typically, when you have commodities collapsing at this velocity in the past, einschließlich des Erwerbs von Bitcoin oder Bitcoin-Mining-Maschinen.…

Gold rutscht aufgrund höherer US-Treasury-Renditen ab, Dollar

Prices of gold, and other precious metals, fell on Wednesday due to stronger U.S. yields and national currency. The decline comes on the backdrop of expectations of new interest rate increases next month amid persistent inflation in the United States and

EZB-Präsidentin Lagarde warnt vor einer „großen Katastrophe“, wenn die USA mit Schulden zahlungsunfähig werden

There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and whether Congress will act before defaulting. In einem aktuellen Interview, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (EZB), said she is confident the U.S. kann…

Reverse Engineering der Zukunft: Teammitglieder von nehmen am ETHGlobal Tokyo Hackathon teil

The ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon drew to a close on Sunday, as builders from around the world competed for $375,000 in prizes. The event was kicked off with the first-ever ETHGlobalPragmasummit, sponsored by Verse, unter anderen. Engineers and representatives from

Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Politikwissenschaftler widerlegen Behauptungen über den Niedergang des US-Dollars trotz Trend der De-Dollarisierungsnachrichten

Dieses Jahr, In einer Welle von Enthüllungen im Zusammenhang mit dem BRICS-Block gab es eine Flut von Nachrichtenberichten und Leitartikeln, in denen ein angeblicher Entdollarisierungstrend diskutiert wurde. In einem aktuellen Artikel, betonte der amerikanische Politikwissenschaftler und Autor Ian Bremmer…

IMF Blog: Interest Rates to Fall to Pre-Pandemic Levels Once Inflation Is Tamed

When inflation in advanced economies is tamed, real interest rates are likely to drop to pre-pandemic levels, the latest International Monetary Fund (Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt) blog post has said. According to the authors of the blog post, the transition to acleaner economy

Warren Buffett Likens Bitcoin to Gambling and Chain Letters in Recent Interview

Finance mogul Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in history, discussed bitcoin during an interview on CNBCs Squawk Box on April 12. As he has done in previous interviews, the business magnate likened bitcoin to a gambling scheme and