Vanskeligheder ved Bitcoin-minedrift når det højeste niveau, da minearbejdere står over for næststørste stigning i år

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached an all-time high (ATH) den feb. 24, 2023, i blokhøjde #778,176, reaching 43.05 trillion hashes and surpassing the 40 trillion mark for the first time ever. The networks difficulty increased by 9.95%, which is the second-largest

Starkware planlægger at åbne kildekode-nøgleteknologi knyttet til Starknet Prover

Ved Starkware-sessionerne 2023 begivenhed, afholdt på Cameri Theatre i Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware-medstifter Eli Ben-Sasson informerede publikum om, at virksomheden har til hensigt at åbne kildekode “nøgleteknologi” knyttet til Starknet Prover. Under arrangementet, medstifteren…

Rumænien udfører razziaer som en del af krypto-skatteunddragelse

Authorities in Romania have conducted more than a dozen raids against people suspected of hiding income from cryptocurrency operations. The searches took place in late 2022 following an earlier investigation which established that crypto traders had failed to report digital assets

Den amerikanske regering forsinker regler for indberetning af skat for kryptovalutamæglere

Håndhævelsen af ​​et krav om, at mæglere skal rapportere gevinster opnået af kryptoinvestorer, er blevet udskudt af U.S.A.. Treasury Department og IRS. De nye skatteregler, indarbejdet i $1 billioner infrastrukturlov vedtaget af U.S.A. Kongres…

Israel forbyder kontantaftaler for beløb, der starter så lavt som $1,700

Ny lovgivning, der indfører strammere restriktioner for betalinger med store kontantbeløb, træder i kraft i Israel på mandag. Målet, som oplyst af landet’s skattemyndighed, er at forbedre kampen mod organiseret kriminalitet, hvidvaskning, and tax

Thailand fritager kryptooverførsler fra moms indtil udgangen af 2023

Authorities in Thailand have formally introduced a value-added tax (moms) exemption for transfers of cryptocurrencies through government-approved exchanges. The tax break, in force until the end of next year, will also apply to digital currency issued by the Bank of Thailand….

Binance suspenderer transaktioner med russiske Mastercard- og Visa-kort

Crypto exchange Binance has blocked transactions with Mastercard and Visa cards issued in the Russian Federation. The trading platform announced the move after the American payment giants decided to halt operations in Russia over its military invasion of Ukraine. Russians Unable

Bank of Russia rapporterer første vellykkede digitale rubeloverførsler mellem brugere

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, virksomheder,…

Bank of Russia har værktøjer til at begrænse kryptoinvesteringer, guvernør tip

The Central Bank of Russia has reaffirmed its opposition to cryptocurrency investments citing the volatility of the digital assets as a key motive for its conservative stance. Governor Elvira Nabiullina has recently indicated that the regulator has the means to restrict

Russisk regering sporer kryptotransaktioner med hjælp fra antinarkotikaorganisationen

Russian institutions have responded to a call from а public movement for joint efforts to identify cryptocurrency transfers related to drug trade. The anti-drug organization, Stopnarkotik, recently asked the interior ministry and the central bank to investigate alleged connections between U.S.-sanctioned