Bank of England hæver reporenten med 75bps — Storbritanniens 30-årige faste realkreditrente springer til 7%

Den nov. 3, 2022, Bank of England fulgte U.S. Federal Reserve ved at kodificere den ottende på hinanden følgende benchmarkbankrenteforhøjelse med 75 basispoint (bps). Stigningen bringer Storbritanniens vigtigste udlånsrente til 3%, efter flertal…

Bank of Englands Cunliffe advarer om, at Crypto er 'tilbøjelig til at kollapse' - råber 'Samme risiko', Samme reguleringsresultat'

Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has warned that cryptocurrencies arevery vulnerable to sentiment and prone to collapse.He urged regulators toget on with the joband regulate crypto under the principle ofsame

NY Attorney General advarer om at investere i kryptomarkedet - siger, at det er ekstremt uforudsigeligt, Ustabil

New York Attorney General Letitia James has issued a warning about investing in cryptocurrency. She said the crypto market isextremely unpredictable” og “unstable,” noting that the marketreached record lows” sidste måned. NY Attorney General Warns About Cryptocurrency New York

Bitcoin vil være lovligt betalingsmiddel i 2 Flere lande i år, El Salvadors præsident forudsiger

Frelseren’s president has made six predictions relating to bitcoin for 2022. He expects two more countries to adopt bitcoin as legal tender this year. I mellemtiden, he expects El Salvadors Bitcoin City to commence construction during the year and his country’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…

Crypto Flash Crash får El Salvador til at købe dip — 150 Bitcoins tilføjet til statskassen

As the crypto market shed billions of dollars, El Salvador bought the dip, taking advantage of the falling price of bitcoin early Saturday morning. With the latest buy, El Salvador has purchased a total of 1,370 bitcoins altogether. According to Salvadoran

Bank of Englands Cunliffe: Krypto-trussel mod finansiel stabilitet 'Kommer tættere' - opfordrer tilsynsmyndigheder til at handle nu

Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has warned that cryptocurrency is getting closer to posing a threat to global financial stability due to the sectors rapid growth. Crypto is also being integrated into the traditional financial

Bank of England: Kryptoaktiver udgør 'begrænsede' risici for stabiliteten i det britiske finanssystem

The Bank of England says that crypto assets poselimiteddirect risks to the stability of the countrys financial system. “Cryptoasset and associated markets and services continue to grow and to develop rapidly. Such assets are becoming increasingly integrated into the