Streamingtjeneste Sling TV tilføjer kryptobetalingsstøtte til månedlige abonnementer

The American streaming television service Sling TV has announced the company is now accepting cryptocurrency payments from customers paying their monthly subscriptions. Sling TV detailed the company is leveraging the crypto payment provider Bitpay and will accept seven different cryptocurrencies and

New York-dommer beordrer Terraform Labs til at efterkomme SEC's undersøgelsesstævninger

A recent court filing stemming from the Southern District of New York shows that a U.S. district judge has ordered the crypto startup Terraform Labs to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta (SEK) subpoenas. During the second week of November

Præsident for Central Bank of Peru kritiserer Crypto, Med henvisning til mangel på indre værdi og klimaændringer

Julio Velarde, the president of the Central Bank of Peru, attacked the value of cryptocurrencies and referred to negative effects they are said to have on the environment. In a recent interview with local media, Velarde said the Bank did not

Webbland Metaverse Sales Jump 126% som 2 Penthouses sælges for seks-cifre

While blockchain virtual worlds have seen significant demand during the last few months, aninteroperable pixel metaverseproject called Webbland has seen weekly NFT sales spike by 126.24%. The project recorded over $3.6 million in sales over the last seven days,…

Rapport: Blockchain og Crypto VC-investeringer voksede næsten ti gange i løbet af 2021 i Funky

En ny rapport udgivet af LAVCA, foreningen for private kapitalinvesteringer i Latinamerika, har konstateret, at venturekapitalen (VC) investeringerne i regionen er vokset enormt i forhold til året før’s numre. Generelt, the region registered investments

Shark Tanks Kevin O'Leary forventer, at Bitcoin 'værdsætter dramatisk' i 2-3 Flere år

Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr.. Vidunderlig, har delt, hvad han tror, ​​prisen på bitcoin vil være i de kommende år. Han sagde, når institutioner får grønt lys fra deres compliance-afdelinger til at investere i bitcoin, prisen på kryptovalutaen “er…

Coinbase gør det muligt for modtagere af overførsler i Mexico at udbetale i lokal valuta

Møntbase, a leading U.S.-based exchange, has announced it will now allow remittance receivers in Mexico to cash out the funds received through its service in local currency. This marks the first foray of the company into the Mexican remittance business, allowing

Rusland vedtager lov, der tillader staten at beslaglægge ulovlige midler, Digitale aktiver fra embedsmænd

The State Duma of Russia, parlamentets underhus, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, including cryptocurrency. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if

Ertha Metaverse sælger Rom NFT for rekord 120k

Ertha Metaverse ser ustoppelig ud på sin vej til at blive branchen’s øverste metavers. Projektet er allerede anerkendt som at have et af de mest søgte tokens i GameFi og i skrivende stund, holds a fully diluted market cap in