Onecoin-ofre anmoder Bulgarien om beslaglæggelse af aktiver og erstatning

A lawyer representing investors defrauded by the notorious crypto scam Onecoin has urged authorities in Bulgaria to act on the case, claiming that theworlds largest pyramid schemeis still operating from the country. In a petition with the Bulgarian Constitutional

Ikonisk Staples Center, Hjemsted for Los Angeles Lakers, Ændring af navn til Arena

Staples Center, one of the most iconic and globally recognized sports and entertainment arenas in the world, is changing its name to Arena. has also become an official cryptocurrency platform partner of the Los Angeles Lakers and the LA

Marathon planlægger at rejse $500 Millioner fra konvertible seniorsedler til køb af bitcoin og minedrift

På mandag, the enterprise bitcoin mining operation Marathon Digital Holdings announced the firm will raise $500 million from convertible senior notes in order to accrue morebitcoin or bitcoin mining machines.Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to

Twitter opretter dedikeret team til at fokusere på kryptovaluta og decentraliserede apps

Twitter has set up a team to focus on “krypto, blockchains, and other decentralized technologiesincluding and going beyond cryptocurrencies.” I første omgang, the team will explore how it cansupport the growing interest among creators to use decentralized apps to manage

Russiske embedsmænd tilbage idé om at anerkende kryptominearbejdere som iværksættere

Cryptocurrency mining should be recognized as an entrepreneurial activity under Russian law and taxed accordingly, representatives of key ministries in Moscow and the parliament have indicated. Officials believe the regulatory move would benefit both the state and the crypto industry. Russian

Kongrespas $1.2 Billion Billion Infrastructure Bill — Crypto Advocates kritiserer ændret mæglerdefinition, Skattekode 6050I

Congress has passed the Biden administrations bill aimed at improving infrastructure, fighting climate change, and bolstering social services. Det $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which also expands the definition of a broker, awaits U.S. president Joe Bidens signature after passing with a

Dogecoin står for 40% af Robinhoods kryptotransaktionsomsætning i 3. kvartal

Det har handelsplatform Robinhood rapporteret 40% af dets transaktionsbaserede kryptovaluta-omsætning kan tilskrives transaktioner i meme-kryptovalutaen dogecoin i tredje kvartal. Til sammenligning, dogecoin stod for 62% af virksomheden’s transaktionsbaserede omsætning i andet kvartal. Dogecoin…

Det nigerianske agentur nægter Blockchain-opstartsprogram-siger, at teknologien ikke anerkendes af regeringen

Nigeria’s firmaregistreringsbureau, virksomhedskommissionen (CAC), angiveligt afvist en ansøgning om registrering ved en opstart på det grundlag, at blockchain endnu ikke er anerkendt af den nigerianske regering. Beslutning skuffer Blockchain Community Ifølge en rapport, det…

Revolve Games tilføjer nye dimensioner til Play-to-Earn Blockchain Gaming

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. At spille spil har taget en helt anden dimension helt igennem en ny model, hvor man kan tjene penge, der gør det lettere at tjene kryptoindtægter end nogensinde. Revolve Games is revolutionizing the way DeFi staking is integrated with blockchain gaming by debuting a Metaverse where