Digital rubel for at hjælpe med at bremse brugen af ​​'pengesurrogater',' siger Rusland i et finansielt strategidokument

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, the countrys financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent

Global Investment Bank Morgan Stanley lancerer et dedikeret forskningsteam for kryptovaluta

Global investment bank Morgan Stanley is establishing a new cryptocurrency research team. “Lanceringen af ​​dedikeret kryptoforskning er i erkendelse af den voksende betydning af kryptovalutaer og andre digitale aktiver på globale markeder,” sagde banken. Morgan Stanley Sets Up

Største bank i El Salvador accepterer nu Bitcoin som betaling for finansielle produkter

Bancoagricola, the biggest bank in El Salvador, is now accepting bitcoin to pay for debts originated from the use of its instruments, according to a PR statement. The institution partnered with Flexa, a payments network, to include cryptocurrency capabilities in its

Kryptominedrift bør registreres og beskattes i Rusland, Det siger formand for finansmarkedsudvalget

Cryptocurrency mining should be registered as entrepreneurial activity and taxed as such, ifølge Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of Russias parliamentary Financial Market Committee. The lawmaker also thinks Russian digital currency regulations need refinement. Amendments Likely to Affect Mining, Beskatning, Definition of

BIS beder centralbankerne om hurtigt at udvikle CBDC'er til at konkurrere med kryptoaktiver

The head of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, Benoît Cœuré, has urged central banks to act now on central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er) to compete with initiatives in the private sector, inklusive kryptovalutaer. “CBDCs will take years to

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Hip Hop Star Ja Rule diskuterer det voksende NFT -rum og krypto - 'Jeg kan godt lide, at Bitcoin er decentraliseret'

Det ikke-fungible token (NFT) industrien er eksploderet 2021 da millioner af dollars kryptovalutaer fortsat handles for disse blockchain -samlerobjekter hver eneste dag. Denne uge, News chatted with the popular American rapper Ja Rule about NFTs