Den britiske sikkerhedstænketanks rapport advarer om, at NFT'er kan styrke ordninger for hvidvaskning af penge

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the British defense and security think tank, questions whether or not non-fungible token (NFT) assets can be used for money laundering purposes. The report determines that in order to mitigate the money laundering risks a

$7.5 Million NFT-samling anklaget for at bruge kunst uden tilladelse truet af juridisk handling

While non-fungible token (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, der’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection

Hip Hop Star Ja Rule diskuterer det voksende NFT -rum og krypto - 'Jeg kan godt lide, at Bitcoin er decentraliseret'

Det ikke-fungible token (NFT) industrien er eksploderet 2021 da millioner af dollars kryptovalutaer fortsat handles for disse blockchain -samlerobjekter hver eneste dag. Denne uge, News chatted with the popular American rapper Ja Rule about NFTs