USDC ser Native lancering på Avalanche

USDC, den anden førende stablecoin efter markedsværdi, er blevet lanceret på Avalanche blockchain som et indfødt token. Tidligere, brugere, der ønskede at få USDC i Avalanche, måtte bygge bro over det via Ethereum. Nu, Cirkel, udstederen af ​​usd mønt (USDC),…

af den digitale valutaøkonomi med $5 Milliard, af den digitale valutaøkonomi med

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

IMF advarer om, at kryptoboom udgør nye udfordringer for finansiel stabilitet, Opfordrer tilsynsmyndighederne til at træde op

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies poses new challenges to financial stability. “Cryptoization can reduce the ability of central banks to effectively implement monetary policy. It could also create financial stability risks.IMF Sees New

Salvadoranske Revisionsret for at undersøge regeringens Bitcoin ATM-køb, Chivo Kiosk Construction

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (ATM) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption

Digital rubel for at hjælpe med at bremse brugen af ​​'pengesurrogater',' siger Rusland i et finansielt strategidokument

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, the countrys financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent