Donald Trump om Crypto: 'Jeg vil ikke have, at andre valutaer kommer ud og skader dollaren'

Tidligere U.S.. Præsident Donald Trump har kommenteret kryptokurvens voksende popularitet og den kinesiske regerings kryptokonflikt. Han gentog sin anti-krypto holdning: “Jeg gør ikke’t want to have other currencies coming out and hurting or demeaning the dollar

Amerikanske lovgivere opfordrer Fed-formand Jerome Powell til at støtte kryptoinnovation

Several U.S. lawmakers have called on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to support cryptocurrency innovation. “The Federal Reserve must work to support domestic innovationOur government should never be in the business of thwarting innovation.Members of Congress Urge Fed

Store kryptobørser skar båndene med kinesiske brugere efter Kinas seneste undertrykkelse af kryptovaluta

Major cryptocurrency exchanges are cutting ties with users in China following the latest crypto crackdown announcement by the Chinese government. Huobi has stopped letting new users in China sign up for its services while Binance has blocked account registrations using Chinese

Amerikanske lovgivere ser Kinas autoritære undertrykkelse af krypto som en stor mulighed

Several U.S. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, herunder bitcoin, som “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency

Iranske lovgivere er imod kryptorestriktioner, Ring for støttebestemmelser

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of

Dette Crowdsource-projekt forsøger at afsløre amerikanske politikere, der ejer Bitcoin

Den september 19, 2021, the software developer and cofounder of Casa, Jameson Lopp, announced a new project called which sifts through Congressional financial disclosures and records them into a database. Lopp says the aim is to createmore transparency around

IRS, Janet Yellen Press Lovgivere til at skubbe 'Tax Compliance Agenda' - Banker til at rapportere indskud, Udbetalinger af $600

På onsdag, OS. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles Rettig and Janet Yellen, the Treasury secretary, urged lawmakers to give the IRS permission to report annual inflows and outflows from American bank accounts. Regardless of tax liability, financial institutions across the