Tyrkiske liras fald bidrager til at stige i Tyrkiets daglige kryptohandler til over en million

The popularity of cryptocurrencies in economically embattled Turkey has continued to surge with the number of daily trades now surpassing one million, har en rapport sagt. This surge in trades has been attributed to the depreciating lira which plunged to a

Eurosystemet godkender ny overvågningsramme vedrørende kryptotjenester

The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for

Det internationale skakforbund vil lancere sportens globale NFT-markedsplads på Everscale Network (Eks-FreeTON)

FIDE, the International Chess Federation, has become the first global sports federation to launch its own NFT marketplace. It announced a partnership with core developers of the Everscale Network (ex-FreeTON), TON Labs, to launch ChessNFT.coma new chess non-fungible token

Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Dogelon Mars leder flokken af 45 Doge-lignende tokens, der fanger astronomiske gevinster

2021 har været året for decentral økonomi (defi), og Messari (NFT'er), og meme-tokens også. I den første uge af august, rundt regnet 30 dogecoin-lignende kryptoaktiver eksisterede og i dag, der er nu 45 tokens med vilkårene “hund,” “shiba,”…

BNY Mellon opfordrer Irland til at vedtage kryptoregler før EU-forordninger, Rapport afslører

Da myndigheder i EU stadig diskuterer unionsdækkende regler for kryptovaluta, et større U.S. Bank har angiveligt lobbyet den irske regering for at vedtage sine egne regler for rummet. BNY Mellon lancerede sin digitale aktivforretning i Irland i år for at…

Consensys sigter efter $3 Milliardværdi i kommende finansieringsrunde

Consensys, den Ethereum-baserede softwarebutik, sigter mod at få en værdiansættelse, der kan nå $3 milliarder dollars i sin kommende finansieringsrunde. The company would be taking advantage of the bullish climate the industry is experiencing right now to achieve this

Bitcoin skyder i vejret over $57K, Genvinder markedsværdien af ​​billioner dollars, Tocifrede ugentlige gevinster

The price of bitcoin continues to climb higher as the crypto asset has captured over 19% in gains during the last seven days. Bitcoin tapped a daily high on Monday reaching $57,678 pr. enhed, hoppe 4.4% i den sidste 24 timer….

Den amerikanske senator Warren presser SEC for at rette op på udfald af kryptobørs, Høje transaktionsgebyrer, Finansiel inklusion

At the U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, to increase oversight of cryptocurrency. She brought up several problems she associates with cryptocurrency that could hurt